This is the current draft of the Load Game Screen, as it is shown on Mac. When running on Windows it will look a bit different due to different approach on things in Windows, but the features will be the same.
The first big improvement you can see is (of course) the screenshot of the moment that the game was saved. Honno requested this for Star Story, and I was actually planning to put in there but there the idea was dropped due to the engine being at a too premature state at the time, and later because I had to rewrite too much from scratch to get it in anyway. Both issues were no excuse for this game, so IT’S THERE NOW.
And of course you can see the pictures of the current party members. In a later stage their current levels will also be shown.
Maybe you are wondering what the four buttons at the bottom of this screen do. Well here goes.
“Load Game” is pretty obvious, loads the game so you can continue where you saved the game.
“Synchronise” is a feature put in for when your save game file is tied to either Anna or Game Jolt (or both), and you had network problems during one of your play sessions, to make sure all your achievements (or trophies) on-line are in sync with the game. Of course the date will not be correct, but who cares.
“Import”/”Export” is a new feature that was not present in Dyrt nor Star Story. The two features will make it easier to share your savegames with your friends. Your login codes to Game Jolt and Anna will NOT be transferred so you cannot cheat around with that, and you can “convert” the file names to easily understandable file names and put them on an USB stick or e-mail them or transfer them over chat, anything. Of course, export will help you to copy the file out of the reserved folder and put it onto any place where you desire and import will copy the savegame file from the external device into the savegame folder. I suppose that was pretty obvious.
Oh yeah, about the savegame entry in the list
The stuff between [ and ] is only debugging info. Will not be shown in the actual release.
Next to that “Vandar” is the name of the village where the savegame was saved.
And lastly the in-game time
When you have multiple players on one OS account the system supports a “tree view” in order to make both players have their own savegames (pretty similar to the system used in Dyrt and Star Story). The system can (of course) also be used if you play multiple playthrough to separate your savegames per playthrough.
Am I great or what? (Man, did I really say that. I revolt myself).