Master of War: Tangros
9 years ago

EDCOLS the hungry lizards


Sorry about that last week there was no announcement but I was very busy.
During the project implementation noticed that evolved 3 types of races:

  • Civilizations: half of the objects are buildings and most of the units is available directly from buildings.

  • Beasts - mobile nations that fresh created unit can be transformed into 2 times, they have a large number of civil units.

  • Shapeshifters -halfmobile nation, units can change their form and gradually return to previous form, when they want to fight or cast spells they take mobile form, when work takes the stationary form.

For now:
Civilizations: Madorians, Solaris, Zumba(not ready yet);
Beast: Flanders, Ninters, Edcols;
Shapeshifters: Okonopans(need graphics improvement), Giafats(not ready yet), ?who will be?
I corrected a lot of mistakes but still needs a lot of work:

  • I added the cursor;

  • I corrected paint the characters on the screen;

  • Added sound effects

  • Bunch of other smaller things.


This week has prepared a new nation to the game that still should be improved, when I finished it I got the idea to cross the dino with dragons and give them dress like savage peoples, but I will do this after the idea will be better looks in my head.


And here is gameplay with them:



Next up

Still working on better AI, but in the background, I have improved one biome in the game and am almost done with the new logo and capsule art for the game page.

Also, some people are interested in the city-builder module tot he game.

In short:

- new model of the protagonist in-game;

- presenting contraptions

- the story will be told through comic

Because of the incoming Steam Festival of Strategy games, I decided to make this project a major and also because working on AI player takes too much time.

Also, the logo and graphics of the game page may be changed.

A new demo of a third-person shooter with tactical elements is up! New tools, opponents and more!

I making Stream as a part of Steam Next! You can take a look, chat and have fun!

Senorita El Chupacabra - Cinematic trailer of shooter game with magic

Shooter with steampunk guns and magic on the cartoony version of Wild West, count every bullet, use traps, and take control of opponent!

Wishlist now!

Demo V 0.2.0 is available!

Finally added elves to my shooter game on Wild West, now when I add the last opponent type, I can polish my game.

In short:

- code for shooting and casting spells rewrite;

- orcs added, opponent type: brutes;

- new model of protagonist

- opponent control

The demo is available and you can play 1st level now, soon I am going to update so 2nd level will be too!