Equestria Stories: Soul and Shadow (Crystal Warfare)

2 years ago

ES: Crystal Warfare Reborn ENG (ALPHA) is available for download!

Well, fellow ponies, after a long time, I'm finally releasing an alpha version of my project in English, which I will refine and improve. Not a little work has been done, but still.... Personally, I'm not happy with everything that came out of it.
Primarily because there are a not insignificant number of things left that I have not been able to realize for various reasons.

Some elements had to be removed for the sake of optimization. In addition, I cannot guarantee that everything will work 100% as intended.

If there are any problems during the walkthrough, or if something is wrong with the translation, feel free to write about it. Suggestions (which are also present in this version) are also welcome.

Part I contains:

English translation (basic, May not be 100% accurate and correct in translation);

● Bug fixes;

New items (Trial Versions);

● Updating of some soundtracks;

● Refining and updating some scenes and dialogues;

● Removed a bunch of junk from the database that wasn't used;

● Minor tweaks to some locations. Still, Crystal Empire will be redone from scratch;

Graphic updates (fixes, new for the combat system, nothing special...) and visual effects;

New graphical elements, such as "Weapon/Armor Info", indicator "New" when picking up an item;

● Item Pop-Up when picking up an item, showing its name and quantity;

● Special place "Crystal Clear" has been added. Here you can get training in battle system and also learn some secrets;

● New inventory tabs: Food, Potions, Alchemy, All Items;

Sort inventory by name and number of contents;

● Basic demonstration of the Alchemy System;

● Updated the numeric interface in the equipment menu. Now when selecting a weapon or armor, it will not only show "Was | Will Become", but also the exact number of the added characteristic;

Item Info. Allows you to get detailed information about weapons and armor in the inventory menu.

The planned "Skill Info" has been removed due to incompatibility with the skill menu during battle. When no mana was available, skills were still used, but without effect, effectively skipping a turn;

Equip Conditions. Some items require a higher level of equipment, and this equipment will not be displayed in the actor's equipment menu;

To find out the required level of a weapon or armor, open the Inventory and select the item you are interested in, and the detailed characteristics of the selected equipment item will appear.

● Weapon/Armor Prefixes and Suffixes.
Quite a fun system that allows you to get weapons or armor with a prefix or suffix in the item name.

Equipment with Pref/Suf will have their own unique colors and parameters that will distinguish them from normal items.
Also, if an item with the prefix/suffix "Chaos" suddenly appears, it is advisable to report it, where and on what item. It used to be a "no effects" feature, but for some reason it didn't work correctly, causing the item to disappear and then crash when trying to equip something.

Note: The "InRarity" in the item description is an initial rarity that is not affected by the suffix or prefix.
The system is still being tested!

Chain of sliding puzzles. You just need to find something that will allow you to activate the first puzzle. Rumor has it that a black mare with a white mane is the key to finding it....
You can discover something "special" if you explore everything carefully enough.

● A brief tutorial in Crystal Clear on the combat system. Note: battles are currently not perfectly balanced, rework is planned;

Settings menu. In it, you can adjust volume, change window resolution (when not using full screen mode), autosave when moving to the next location, and turn off Message SE.

Autosaves on checkpoints.
This is still being tested, so if there are any wardresses with saves, such as "item lost uniqueness" when loading, please let me know.

● bug fixes for the Russian version;

● not as many "background" ponies on large maps as I would like, including interaction with them;

● "Score" on the game's Game Jolt page. Nothing special at all, but I added it for fun as a "parody of leaderboards".

● Something else, but I do not remember, because my head was constantly full of things to do.

Keep in mind that many elements of the game will be changed and/or refined, it all depends on the situation!


Known issues:

● Don't recommend setting full screen to F1 by default, because I and other users have had problems with the explorer minimizing to the upper left corner. Not really a scary phenomenon, but clearly unpleasant to adjust the size of the folders again as convenient. The reason for this unpleasantness is poor compatibility of the game engine with some video cards (NVIDIA). Too much "I."
This is unlikely to be fixed, and I have no desire to switch to RPG Maker MV or ClickTeam (especially on MV, where the soundtrack behaves strangely).

● Incorrect display of a character under a texture, even if it's on the other side of an object like a floor lamp or archway. This bug is an inherent limitation of the RPG Maker that I'm unlikely to be able to fix.

"Awesome Light Effects" has been removed due to severe lag in the game, in the future will be replaced by an alternative or no longer appear in the game.


Future plans, whose ideas came in the course of the translation (MEMO TO SELF):

● Absolutely, new Crystal Empire location maps + new locations that were planned in addition to the old ones;

● Divide the chapters by game. It would at least make the job of testing both new mechanics and checking the availability of materials used a little easier. Besides, for the sake of one chapter, going through everything from scratch... I'm already sick of it. At this rate, I'm definitely not going to finish it.

● Random Dungeons?
● Combat system update (maybe);
● Adding new enemies:
● Chapter 2 - Nightmare Night demo;
● Systems that have been planned for 3.0;
● Fixing bugs in Part I (+ translation, if any);
Crystal Clear? Update;
● Lunar Warfare? Update;

● Something else.


Sophia, Panic Attacks, Never the Gamer, AlSo, Nero Kaslama, "Ponies at the Warming Hearth", Just Yuki, Voldemar Helm, Regie Falcon. These people are some of the few who won't let me give up on developing the project. Guys, know that I am very grateful to you!

Sophia, Panic Attacks - мои няхи, сильная моральная поддержка и помощь с созданием образов некоторых персонажей.

JustYuki - сильная моральная поддержка, помощь с рисовкой спрайтов и замечательная подруга.

Regie Falcon - мой братиш, сильно помог в бета-тесте.

Voldemar Helm - сильная моральная поддержка, замечательный друг.

Barashka и Not Celestia - полноценное прохождение русской версии игры, предложения и моральная поддержка.

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Next up

Chapter Excerpt: Night of Nightmares

Фрагмент главы: Ночь Кошмаров

Обновление Experimental 2.5 FINAL ? The next update 0.3.0 will include an English translation

13 CatPurrs (13 Nightmares - 13 Кошмаров - 13 КошМуров) is still immersed in work, but no longer translations, but refinements to the game......

Мяу. Процесс портирования идёт. Умираааааааююююю....

The porting process is underway. I'm dyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.

Development News

Patch 0.3.21 (lazy edition, meow)

Development News №2

Crystal Warfare Bug Fixes (Experimental BETA, ENG) The game is still being tested, so run it at your own risk!

In the process of porting to a new game engine... Chapter Two looms on the horizon.

Screens taken during development | Скриншоты разработки