3 Weeks of Giuseppe

5 months ago

everyone say bye to goalie i'm replacing him with an actual character

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Next up

new terminiko vs old terminiko

I've made some progress with the new version of the game. I should be able to show off just a little soon, and after I do that, I'll go back to working on 3 Weeks of Giuseppe for a bit.

For now, though, have this remix:

Haven't worked on this game for so long that I forgot about the things I put in the game.

I just opened the project and jumpscared myself with the pickle slot variable.

elevator minigame teaser

Sorry everybody, but due to unforeseen circumstances (me working on new project instead of old project), there won't be a January devlog.

But do not worry, you will be getting some new Giuseppe content very soon.

I updated some of the mechanics for the Pill Evil Giuseppes.

When the week 2 demo comes out, I suggest picking the brown pill on night one.

Here's what the journals page looks like as of now, and what it looks like when they are all unlocked.

party time

The new Giuseppe content is here, everybody!

It can be played at:

Since I will be taking a break from Giuseppe-related stuff for a bit, I've added images of what I will be working on.