Who is the virus?
7 years ago

First release


The first version of this game has been released.
A few minor bugs may still exist and I do have a few ideas in mind for enhancement.

A few planned but not yet implemented features:

  • Toggle ANSI on/off

  • Support for Game Jolt API

    • Trophies

    • A leaderboard

  • Support for Anna

  • Some extra functionality to the “DIR/LS” command

  • And maybe more names for the files ;)

A few notes:

  • Mac:

    • As this is a CONSOLE program, this doesn’t come in an app bundle. Clicking it from the Finder SHOULD open a Terminal window starting the game, though

    • I really have NO IDEA how the game behaves in the client, though

  • Windows

    • The game uses ANSI for the colored text. MacOS and most Linux distros have this installed by default. However this is not present in the regular Windows command prompt, at least not by default. It might be available in SuperShell, although I never tried that. As the game would as a result put a lot of nasty codes on screen, I’ve turned this feature off in Windows. Future versions will support toggling this on and off.

  • Linux

    • This game is a stand-alone app. No dependencies are needed.

    • For GNOME it doesn’t appear logical to open a terminal window to run the game in. This is basically because unlike Mac and Windows Linux has no difference between console and gui applications. Best is to open a terminal window and run the game from there, as otherwise the game will run, but you won’t see it, causing it to only take up RAM and other system resources.

    • Linux is terribly user-unfriendly, and thus it comes to no surprise that Linux once again offered me most obstacles to get the compiling job done. Fortunately Go appears able to take most hurdles set up easily, but unfortunately not all of them, making it still a bit of a hassle to get this done properly. Due to that I cannot promise the Linux version will always be up-to-date. As a result minor updates will mostly be skipped unless too many of them took place. I hope I can keep things up to date in major updates. I don’t expect too many of those, anyway, but still….

    • I only tested the game in Ubuntu. I do expect the game to run on other distros just fine, since no dependencies are needed, and thus no libraries that can cause incompatibility issues….



Next up

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans

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In game shot

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