Who is the virus?
7 years ago

Game Jolt API available in the game now!

Yup, the Game Jolt API now works.
In order to activate it:

  • Start a game like normal

  • Once a game has started and the “OK >” prompt has appeared you can attach the Game Jolt API to the game.

  • For example if your username is Scyndi and your token is 1a2b3c then type:

  • When you quit the game and start the game with the same user file as before, the game will automatically log in to Game Jolt

  • You MUST use a GJ account in order to get yourself a trophy.

  • You do NOT HAVE to use a GJ account to get yourself a score in the leaderboard since non-GJ users will just be added to it as guests

Well I guess that covers it. All three platforms should be uploaded now.
(When you download my source code and compile it yourself, the Game Jolt routines will not be present in it. Security measure, sorry).



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