Carnage in Space: Ignition
7 years ago

GameJolt Client compatibility

Well, the builds for this game have had more problems than I anticipated. But today, that problem is at least half solved.

Let’s start with the good news!
The 1.0.1 release is now out, with an installer replaced by a .zip file. This package is compatible with the GameJolt client. If you use the client, running the full game got a whole lot easier. If you don’t, you can still download the ZIP and open ignition.exe.

Now for the less good news:
I found out that the Mac build of the game doesn’t work. My access to a Mac computer is -shall we say - limited, so I’ve taken that build down for now. I’ll get it re-uploaded as soon as I can get my hands on one to test with.

Thanks for playing, and thank you also for your patience!



Next up

There's something off about this room.

Almost as if we've entered a new dimension - a THIRD dimension.

Anyway, Construct 3 has had 3D features for a while and I decided to play with them a little. What do you think? Cool effect? Too jarring?


And here's the shop animation for last week's new flail weapon.

Its jump attack hits a wide area, making it perfect for swatting flying enemies!

Hmm, what was that someone said about backstabbing?

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I last posted, but I've still been hard at work with the first chapter of Kodon's story.

And to show for it, we have this stylish fellow - he may be slippery, but he's no match for Kodon's homing shot!

In case you missed it - SEQUEL BETA TESTING!

Carnage in Space: Crucible is coming Soon*!

If you'd like to try it early and help me perfect it, read below to join the beta test and score a free copy!

Avast! Space pirates!

And what's a captain without his crew? These scoundrels will be among the first to make life difficult for you in Phase 3.

I thought the escape sequence in Chapter 2 didn't have enough urgency to it, so I spiced it up a little.

I also wrote a new song to go with it!

Keep an eye out for this in the next update, coming... whenever I feel like it.

Rejoice! The jankiest puzzle in the game has been re-done.

It's still a little fiddly, but now the boulder's less likely to do screwy things like get stuck on a platform, or teleport you to the side on touch.

Egad, what's with all the enemies popping out of the walls lately? Can't you all just sit out in the open like proper gentlemen?