One Night at Flumpty's 2 (VR)

4 years ago

Grunkfuss The Clown wants to play with you tonight. Sleep with one eye open.

okay but i actually jumped when i did a quick eevee render of my model to test before the final one and his face just popped up. fuck me man



Next up

Hey all! It's been a while!

Yep, I missed the original release date by a MILE.

But I think mid to late February is quite a realistic goal, considering I'm back to work on this.

Mid development hell will not kill this project, I gotta bite the bullet!



Just stopping in with a quick devlog!

My development unit (my shiny new Oculus Quest 2) is on its way!

I've also begun to program and implement a lights system along with enemy encounters, such as this one here.

That's all for now! Ciao!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

No update yet today, I will work on this game a little later today. I got my headset and I've literally been playing VR all day to be honest. Can't tear myself away from it. I promise I'll get some work done, haha. Take care guys!

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Made a VR menu. Kinda cool, bit awkward with Flumpty just standing there. I'll probably add some sort of visual gag. But yeah, I thought it would be clever for the little side cursor to be an eyeball sprite.

Fun Facts Regarding ONaF 2 VR and Myself.

Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!

Upon testing out some stuff, I've determined how VR gameplay will work.

I had to move the vent buttons closer to the player because you will physically touch the buttons/switch to use them.

The first video of testing these mechanics will be up on SUNDAY.