Poor Freddy has no friends to celebrate with…
Happy new year guys!
Progress on the game is going smoothly, and I want to confirm some things.
I will NOT cancel this game. Whatever happens, i’ll still work on it. I won’t let you guys down.
The full game will NOT come out on January 1st! People are assuming things the wrong way and the exact same thing happened with FNaF World where people thought it would release on January 1st.
Me and @MikeyVah
are planning on doing something really cool that I’m sure you all will love it!
A release date has NOT been decided yet! Despite having completed all the major features, I still need to finish the story part of the game! (Don’t worry guys it won’t take long, it’s easy.)
Stay tuned for updates guys, I’m sure there will be more coming right up!
That is all guys.