Some of these are funny, some of these are known, and some were totally not made in 5 seconds!
Copy - Copy's full name is Copathan Flores. This is because his father wanted something to end in "athan," and didn't think of the name Nathan.
Jonathan - Jonathan's scar came from an alpha rit attack.
Orion - Orion is the lightest member of the COA, being 45 pounds. This may make him seem malnourished, but this is average for Windians.
Clay - Clay is the most loyal member of the COA. They did liberate his kingdom, after all.
Delta - Delta, despite her calm and collected nature, has Thalassophobia. Kinda ironic when your entire species is built around living near/in the ocean.
Ella - Ella is babied by her father, even though he's almost always at work.
Amber - Amber, along with Copy and Jonathan, are the only Hispanic members of the COA.
Sprocket - Sprocket is the tallest member of the COA, being 6'4. She is self-conscious about this.
Adam - Adam wants to be a paleontologist.
Cain - Cain is a survival expert.
Mary - Mary is my least favorite character I've ever written.
Hannah - Hannah had a locket when she was initially sent back in time. She eventually gave this to Penny.
Penny - Penny had a family that were all slaughtered by Tyrant before the events of the game.
Sir Dingus - There are a total of seventeen previous Dingus's we don't know about.
Markus - Markus sees Vladmir as a father figure.
TG/Yoshi - TG was named Yoshi because Yoshi in Japanese, (養子), means "adopted child."
MB-1 - MB was supposed to have a character arc where he becomes more human. This was partially implemented, but I did not focus too much on it.
Vladmir - While it was cut from the final game, the reason Vlad cares so much about his crew is because, when he was younger, he went on a mission with other soldiers. He was the only survivor of that mission.
Robby - Robby's dream job is to be an actor.
Rebecca - Rebecca was supposed to be more caffeine-addicted than shown in the comics.
Michi - Michi is my favorite AHA member.
Tadd - Tadd was a member made by the user @HEAVENS-SWORDS
Blair - Despite being based off noir characters, Blair never passed police academy, which means she is not a legal detective.