2 months ago

high School Week Nº 10:

ㅤㅤThe least skilled fake artist among the skilled artists

MONDAY 22/07

ㅤㅤOne of my classmates was chosen to be the class' physics monitor and last week he discussed with the teacher about his monitoring schedule. It was decided that Monday mornings were going to be the time when he would give Physics classes. Although I'm not that bad at Physics to need extra help, I still wanted to show up to his first class... Which was next week... I woke up at 5:02 AM, went to school at 6:20 AM and I awkwardly and alone stayed in the classroom waiting until 01:00 PM.

ㅤㅤAfterwards was English class. That's all.

ㅤㅤThen there was the History exam. I used to be quite good at History last year and the year before that, but it was mostly because of the teacher and the fact that the part of History he touched upon were parts I was legit interested in (as weird as it might sound, I was invested into the second wave of feminism), but then I get into a different school, with a different teacher, which I don't dislike but is far from my favorite, and is going to teach parts of History I'm not interested in. Add that up with the fact that we were learning about ancient Greece and it's incredibly clear that I'm going to get a zero on this exam... I think...? The exam wasn't that hard actually, just a few troublesome questions and that's all? But you'll see, History is going to be the subject I'll get the worst grades in... and Waste Treatment.... and Chemistry... and--


ㅤㅤ--damn Instrumental Physics...

ㅤㅤThe exams were returned this day and... why as this so expectable...? All of the things I got wrong in the exam were because of stupid mistakes. Last time I mistook 16 for 6, now I mistook 18 for 50. Instrumental Physics isn't difficult, I'm just stupid, really stupid. Incredibly stupid.

ㅤㅤThe Instrumental Physics monitor, which was someone from the folks of the third year of high school, went to the classroom my class was at to discuss somethings in regard to her classes. But then she asked who were the class' artists, just so she could know and I think I qualify as one? Her and one of my classmates started discussing art and I joined the conversation (which in my dictionary means: "awkwardly stand near the people having the conversation and just listen, very rarely contributing something to it"), then she showed one of her drawings and it was so good, but so good that it alone made me want to quit being an artist. Then my classmate showed her some of their drawings. I always liked their art, but haven't seen much of it and, now that I have, oh wow I just don't really qualify as an artist, do I? I'm not jealous of them, hating them, criticizing them or anything, it's just that they are artists and can draw really, really, really well. I'm not an artist, I'm just a guy that draws funny looking scribbles that sometimes resemble stuff, not an artist.

ㅤㅤAfter that incredible yet obvious realization of mine, there was Chemistry class. When my classmates entered the classroom, the first thing they noticed was the fact that there was an entire Periodic Table (complete with atomic numbers and atomic masses) on the classroom's white board. And guess who did that? A complete idiotic and worthless idiot who had nothing better to do (also known as me). Since I'm usually the first of my class to arrive and we have Chemistry class on a different classroom where we stay in at the start of the day, I figured I could write a Periodic Table on the other classroom's white board, in which we were going to have Chemistry class in, with my old White Board Marker I had bought last year and without anyone knowing. I was unsure if another class was going to be in that classroom before mine, but I thought "even if that were to happen, at least someone saw it", but no other class stayed in that classroom before Chemistry class, which meant it still was there when my class was meant to be there. No one knew who put it on the board and I thought it could stay like that, for reasons I don't remember why. I was one of the main suspects for sometime, but then when asked if it was me I simply told them "no" and that alone made the whole class believe it was not me, despite me still being the only person they probably know who has a Black marker meant to write on white boards and not being in the classroom for a long time before morning classes started when usually being the first to arrive and while my backpack was still in the classroom.

ㅤㅤWhen the teacher arrived, she also noticed the Periodic Table on the board (which was really hard not to notice, actually) and she loved it. She was surprised about how perfectly aligned everything was and how no elements were missing or out of place and that made her not want to erase it, which was actually helpful because the class was meant to finish her exam this day, which did not have any Periodic Tables, since some of the questions required specifying the location of elements by their electronic configuration alone. So last week it was like "Um, where do you think element 26 is, based on the fact that its electronic configuration ends in 3d6?" and now it was something like "Alright, where do you think is element 26, based on the fact that it's Iron, is on the section of the external metals, is on period 4 and family 8 and its electronic configuration ends in 3d6?". So the Periodic Table on the white board gave away the answers to 1/3 of the exam. So I just corrected some stuff, answered the last 2 questions I needed to answer, drew a cat dipping a block of Sodium metal into a into a cup of water because it was dirty and returned the exam. Although the exam was easier than her test, the way she corrected exams meant it was up to chance weather I'd get a good of terrible grade.

ㅤㅤAfter everyone was done, she just proceeded to tell the class there was going to be another test next week.

ㅤㅤIn Art class, it was the same deal as last week. The teacher didn't have anything to teach and no exercises to give, so he just let the class do whatever. This was going to be his last week as the class' Art teacher, so I figure I could ask him some questions about art before he was replaced. I wanted to ask him a few questions, but I could only ask one, which was about the difference between cartoonism and regular art. Upon asking him that, we started a 45 minute conversation of what is actually art. It was actually an interesting conversation, even if I couldn't speak most of the time, but what stuck with me the most was what he told me when his class was about to end. He told me that if I work hard enough, show people my stuff and not be afraid of doing bad looking art, I could one day become a great artist, even one that could revolutionize art. Although it was good to hear something like that after discovering I'm a worse artist than I thought I was, I still doubt I could reach such high stakes, even if I dedicated my all.

ㅤㅤA few days ago, people started to gather around the school's cafeteria, in which someone would read, out loud, with a microphone, love messages. They were mostly anonymous, but often featured the name and class of the person they were designated to. When I find out about what it all was, I actually kinda got interested in listening to them, even if I wouldn't know 97.6% of the people mentioned in them. I also really, really, really, REALLY hope no one ever writes a letter to me, specially considering they'd need to pay 1,50 bucks just for that. But I shouldn't worry that much, as most of the people that know me are from my class and I'm almost sure everyone that knows me in the school is definitely not interested in me.


ㅤㅤIn Sociology class, the teacher asked everyone to gather in their groups in order to discuss the group assignment. My group didn't do that, instead we studied for General Chemistry exam.

ㅤㅤThe class had 3 General Chemistry classes in a row, but the first one was followed up by recess, so the teacher instead dedicated that class to answer questions... and also ask everyone to sit only in the far left, middle and far right rows. There are 5 rows in the classroom and they were somewhat closed to each other, so, probably fearing people would look at each others' exams, the teacher made everyone sit at the 1st, 3rd and 5th rows. However, those rows got quickly filled but I still was in the 4th row. So the teacher told me to grab my desk and sit at the front of the 3th row... which made me practically have my face glued to the classroom's Board, which was reflective, meaning every time I looked up, I had to see my stupid dumb face and be reminded that I'm stuck like that :]

ㅤㅤIn Biology class, the teacher took us to the Biology lab in order to learn how to use microscopes. I had used my mom's old toy microscope sometime ago, so it wasn't too hard for me to understand how professional microscopes worked, even if they had some noticeable differences. The class was first given a small piece of paper to get a grasp of the thing and I don't think I'll look a paper the same ever again. Afterwards the class was given a small leaf and then was told to identify some parts of its cells and oh my. I don't know if it was because the light of the microscope I was using had been recently replaced and was of better quality compared to the others or because I haven't seen anything like it before, but seeing cells, actual living cells, for the first time was such a weird experience, but it was neat regardless. If I had a microscope like those ones, I would probably be putting everything I can in it, just out of curiosity of how they'd look up close. Probably good thing I don't have the money to buy one. Regardless, it was the most interesting thing the class will probably do in the entire year when it comes to Biology.


ㅤㅤWaste Treatment exam was diffy, I'll probably get a perfectly perfect zero. That's all I will say about it... actually no. Before the exam, the teacher made everyone stand up and stretch in order to make everyone feel more "relaxed". I didn't stand and stretch, instead deciding to do a last minute review, but even if I did do what the teacher asked, my iron deficiency would go "nuh uh" and I would probably faint on the spot. It almost happened twice actually, some time ago I stood up, stretched my back for longer than usual and almost my entire vision went away, I was too weak to stand up without support and I couldn't hear anything for a few seconds. Quite an experience, 10/10 would do it again.

ㅤㅤIn Philosophy class, it was the teacher last week, which was quite sad actually. One of my classmates asked the teacher a question, which made him then started a entire class long discussion about. I went closer to the front part of the classroom in order to better focus on it. It sure was an interesting discussing, specially when he started talking about career choices, how his college experience was and the band he was a part in. Then the bell rung, symbolizing that he was no longer going to give life long lesson that almost did not have anything to do with his subject... or desk Philosophy... I'll miss his desk Philosophy...

ㅤㅤIn Math class, we were supposed to have an exam, but it was then rescheduled to next day and the teacher didn't have anything to teach, so he let us do whatever. Most of the class left, but me and like... 4 of my classmates stayed there. Nothing much happened, though. A few of us just chatted, others didn't even say a word and we reacted to the letters read at recess. My classmates supposedly heard my name, but I was almost sure it wasn't me simply because it was said the name of a different class and what they heard was probably a name that sounded similar. They also said the name of one of my classmates. Been thinking of writing a letter for it to be read out loud, just because, but I only have pocket change, which is good to know.


ㅤㅤThen came P.E. class and the first thing the new teacher told us was to get in the Sport Section's classroom. The teacher introduced herself, said a bunch of stuff and introduced the class to a game she created called "Real Chess". I was just expecting it to be a version of chess where the pieces were people and someone would command them, but it was instead a mix of chess, dodgeball and handball, which I barely understood anything aside from the fact that the King became overpowered, the Queen was almost entirely useless and Pawns could change the outcome of the game more quickly than the Rooks, Bishops and Knights. Afterwards, we didn't even get to play it, we were just dismissed, meaning her entire class was just her talking. After discovering what this "Real Chess" thing was, I was legit wanting it all to have just be game of chess but with people instead of pieces.


The teacher also said my name in a funny way, which some of my classmates mocked the rest of the day. Legit no one said my name normally after P.E. class. At least it was the last one of the day.

FRIDAY 26/07

ㅤㅤMath exam was ok (opinion coming from someone who got a below average grade in the Instrumental Physics exam, also thought to be ok).

ㅤㅤThen, after Computer class, was the preparations for the school's Juline party...! Which no one in my class was interested in, including me, since I am No one himself. Most of my classmates left right after launch, some stayed for a little longer, but most was just because they lived in another city, I stayed the longest, but I just wandered in the school a bit before watching an episode of Flashman inside the classroom and leaving. Best Juline Party of my life, no exceptions.

ㅤㅤ- Ryandher G., July 27th, 2024

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Odd things I noticed this week was how in the second half of it I was got oddly really calm. My speech was slower, I wasn't raising my tone of voice and I was often deciding not to say anything. Not complaining though, I'm actually really liking this, specially because I'm not regretting every word I say. I'm unsure what triggered it though. My brain probably went like: "We'll now be 1% less stupid now".



high School Week Nº 11 (next/TBA)

high School Week Nº 9 (previous)

high School Ween Nº 1 (first)




Next up

Space Feline for #GameJoltColors24

I couldn't think of anything do draw for #GameJoltColors24, so I drew Sodium as a little fella.

Little alien I saw in a dream.

Quick sketch of Bun from Supernova Flashman

high School Week Nº 8:


Super Negative # 9:

Your Choice

Super Negative # 10:

The Humongous Hammer Hand

Super Negative # 11:

The Supernatural--

high School Week Nº 9:


I am not an artist.

I just am not.