2 months ago

high School Week Nº 8:


MONDAY 08/04

ㅤㅤSince last week, there has been happing a discussion about a strike taking place in the school, but it only sorta started sorta not started this day. The History teacher was the first of ours teacher to go on strike.

ㅤㅤIn English class, the teacher not only gave us back the last week's test back, but also started the class with a discussion around superheroes and I probably don't need to comment how much I know about the topic. Unfortunately, it was just a lame excuse to teach us about "can" and "can't" when used to describe abilities... and also to show how the teacher doesn't know much about superheroes.

ㅤㅤSince the History teacher was on strike, we didn't had her class and were dismissed early.


ㅤㅤThe Chemistry teacher was absent, not because she was on strike (sadly), but we still were given the test back and I don't know how to describe how everyone reacted to them. Firstly, she was lowering the scores of each question because of spelling and grammatical errors, or because the answer didn't featured the wording she wanted, regardless if the answer was right or not. She also deemed some answers as "uncomplete", but giving full score to questions that answered the bare minimum. She also deemed everyone's answer on a single question as "uncompleted" because no one mentioned something she didn't even taught. Her way of correcting the answers is so unfair that, even if you answered everything right, you'd still have a low chance of getting a full score. The entire class had something to complain to the teacher that was staying with us, although, even if those complains are passed to the Chemistry teacher, I doubt they will actually change anything about the way she corrects tests.

ㅤㅤIn Portuguese class, we were given our tests back and someone people lost less score over spelling and grammatical errors in this one than in the Chemistry test. The most interesting part of it all is that the first question I answered received the second lowest score of all the answers, not because it was uncomplete, but rather I forgot to add some accent marks and the teacher found the answer overall "confusing", which was quite expectable. The answer that got the lowest score was just due to being uncomplete. My group, despite my answer, was actually quite satisfied with the overall results.


ㅤㅤThe Sociology teacher was on strike and the General Chemistry teacher just sent us a list of exercises, so we didn't had to go to school in the morning just for her class, which meant there was no morning classes... I still went to school at morning anyway.

ㅤㅤBiology class was cut short, as a meeting began to discuss the strike and students were invited to join, although without the ability to vote when any polls were made. A lot of stuff was said in the meeting and some people, even students, discussed their perspective on the strike, but, in sum, they decided that there was no longer going to have breakfast or afterschool launch starting next week.


ㅤㅤIn Waste Treatment class, the teacher had set up a game where the class was divided into groups of 3s and had to answer questions related to what we have learned. Each group could, in turns, choose an envelope with a question and every group had to answer it. If the group got the answer right, they'd win an specific amount of points, written in the envelope, but if answered incorrectly, would lose points, also written in the envelope, although the amount of points to lose were just half the amount that could be won without the decimal values. The first group to answer the question would also get a bonus, if answered correctly. In the end, it was kinda alright, just not a big fan of the fact that the we were getting graded for it based on the amount of points won by a group in relation to the others. I also somehow didn't made my group get a negative amount of points, although I didn't cause my group to answer incorrectly a few questions.

ㅤㅤThe Philosophy teacher is on strike. Very sad.


ㅤㅤIn Math class, the teacher told us that there was going to be a test next day and he would allow us to write down notes on a sheet of paper to use it on the test. I didn't had much to write down, which says a lot in regard to how low my grade on the test is most likely to be.

FRIDAY 12/04

ㅤㅤWe had a Math test and it somehow was easier than the last one... Or at least I felt it was easier. Surely my result isn't going to be so great.

ㅤㅤWe also had an exam in Computer class. Since the Internet was on and we had to do the exam in the school's computers, it wasn't that difficult to figure a way to cheat, although I didn't actually need to, as what was in the exam was pretty simple stuff, like converting GB to MB and KB, differentiating software from hardware, knowing how some computer components and peripherals work, things like that, but that was mostly what was in my exam. Turns out, everyone's exams included almost always different questions. There were obviously times where my classmates got the same questions, but the question's number and order of the answers were random, which made it not easy for people to pass the answers to each other. Anyway, I finished the exam quite early, as, again, I only had simple and easy stuff in my exam, but I didn't leave the classroom right away, as the teacher told the class we could do after finishing it. My classmate that was sitting next to me showed me the question he got, which was the same I had gotten, I didn't answer the question for him, but I told him about the fact that everyone's exams had different questions in different orders and then the teacher saw me and yelled at me. He later told me I could leave for launch (but what he didn't know was that I don't eat launch, despite how good the school's launch is). I was feeling like I was going to get some kind of punish for talking to a classmate while he was still doing the exam. At evening, everyone was looking at their scores and I got 9 out of the 10 questions right, which is quite good actually, considering it meant I had already passed the trimester, but, once I got home, I checked the exam again and tried to figure what question I had gotten wrong. I looked every single question, even searching the answer to a few ones just to make sure and I couldn't find what question I did get wrong. I then came up with 3 theories: 1) One of the question had an incorrect answer as the right answer; 2) The teacher did punish me for talking to one of my classmates; or 3) I'm moron and can't find the wrong answer. Most likely third.

MONDAY 14/04

ㅤㅤA lot of ours teachers decided to go on strike this week. out of all the 17 teachers, only 7 weren't on strike at this point. Similar to last week, we only had English class this day. In it, we had another oral test and I somehow got a score that was just one decimal away from being a perfect one. I was expecting to lose 7 decimals because of pronunciation alone, but somehow I didn't. Because of the strike seeming to happen at any moment, the teacher decided that this was going to be the last thing she would give in the trimester. Overall, I was expecting a far worse grade, due to all the decimals I lost throughout, but I was actually just 6 decimals away from getting a perfect score overall.


ㅤㅤWe were supposed to be having only 2 classes this day, so, as there was a huge time gap with no classes between the usual time I arrive at school and the time which the first of those 2 were to start, I decided to bring my aunt's computer to school, along side an USB Controller, just to do something while waiting. I did some homework and played a bit, but then the Instrumental Physics teacher, which most of the class had thought was on strike, arrived. Since most of the class was absent, as they thought school wouldn't start in the next hour, the teacher didn't give any new material and simply just decided to answer a few questions in regards to the subject. Then the Chemistry teacher walked in the classroom and said that we were not going to have Chemistry class in the evening (yay) because of another meeting that was going to take place in order to once again discuss the strike.

ㅤㅤAfterwards was Statistic class and after that was nothing. I didn't go to the meeting this time so I just went home.


ㅤㅤAnd in the last meeting was decided that the classes would be suspended. So no school until the strike is concluded. I want the strike to end soon, mostly because the school's library is also on strike and I was supposed to return 3 books at Monday.

And now, 3 months later...

MONDAY 08/07

ㅤㅤIt didn't end soon.

ㅤㅤA lot happened between these 3 months were there was no classes. I visited my previous school to not only check out the cultural fair, but also to visit some of my ex-classmates and I also end up seeing 2 of my current classmates there, somehow (I also saw her. Don't know why I'm mentioning that considering that I no longer like her). I even helped clean the classroom after the fair was over, despite probably not allowed to and could get my ex-classmates in big trouble for doing so, but eh... They didn't tell me anything about being punish for a visitor helping to clean the classroom.

ㅤㅤI also did the History group assignment with my... group. We schedule to meet and do the assignment at the city's library 2 times in 2 weeks. I drew 2 illustrations and helped glue a sheet of paper... I never said I was a useful person.

ㅤㅤBut a week prior from now, the strike officially ended, however the classes for high school would start until the week after it. But I still went to school just to renew and give back the books I had borrowed... Just that actually.

ㅤㅤWhen going to school, but for actually to attend classes, I was expecting 2 things: Everyone will now look different and everything will now be rushed. I was half right about both of that. However: 1/2 + 1/2 = 2/2 = 1/1 = 1, so I was full right. Anyway, very few of my classmates were actually different from before and some teachers have decided to take things on the same pace as they did before, despite next weeks being filled with exams. Not much of catching up, aside from some of my classmates and teacher asking what people did during the strike. No one asked me directly, so I didn't had to answer that, which is great, because I did nothing interesting.

ㅤㅤOur first class back from the strike was English, in which we learned numbers...! Ok.

ㅤㅤOur second class was History. Didn't really miss the teacher's giant smile, but the only teachers I did actually miss were only the Portuguese and Philosophy ones.


ㅤㅤDidn't think it would be difficult to getting used again to going to this school every day after this day... But Monday we only have classes at evening, so I don't know--



ㅤㅤHow the hell did I manage to wake up at 05:02 AM from Monday to Friday and not be tired the entire day!? And with 4-5 hours of sleep!?

ㅤㅤAnyway, the Physics monitor selective exam™ was rescheduled to this day at evening, although that would mean that I'd miss High School Chemistry (yay). So, after the last morning class, I went straight to the classroom in which the exam was going to be made, because I don't eat launch at the school, and arrived there incredibly early, more than 2 hours before the time of the exam. After waiting that long and doing a review so short it wouldn't even make me remember things if I had forgotten anything, we were given the exams. First question: "Present your work proposals", ok? Second question: "Inform the time slots in which you would be available for doing monitoring work", huh? Third question: "On a scale to 0-10, how well are you able to pass knowledge to others?", oh... I ain't going to be chosen, am I?

ㅤㅤI was expecting to finish the exam early and still be able to catch some of the later half of Chemistry class, but I end up missing it entirely (not a bad thing). But when I returned to my classroom, most of my classmates could not stop complaining about the Chemistry teacher, which was already expected. The teacher decided to answer questions regarding the last classes and the test and people had a lot to say about the test. First of all, she justified taking away points from the final score because of grammar and spelling saying she was trying to be "multidiscipline" and said that some answer were marked as uncomplete because the answers didn't feature any strong argument, despite the question never asking any. I mean, the last question of the test was just asking to say what was the force that kept the protons and neutrons together in the atom's core, just that, not requesting an argument on whether nuclear force/strong force was real or it was all a conspiracy theory made up by a guy in his mom's basement. I would tell more, but my memory is far from the best and I wasn't there. But I can tell (I think) about when my classmates were complaining about the teacher and she passed by the door during recess. No one knows if she heard anything and I hope not. I really hope not. I don't want to know what she does to the class if she hears any complains about her.


ㅤㅤIn Lab Chemistry class, we were taught how to make a report out of experiments. Not much to say about it aside from the fact that I was hallucinating colors onto a white wall.



ㅤㅤPhylosophy teacher was sick this day, which is already sad on itself, but becomes worse because that made him absent on the day which was supposed to give his last class to us before being replaced. I'll miss him...


FRIDAY 12/07

ㅤㅤIn computer class, the teacher told us to read an article about career choices in teenage hood and write an at least 1 page text answering the questions regarding the topic of the article. I got a little carried away and end up writing over 600 words, but it didn't matter because the computer I was using crashed, I didn't save the text once and when booted back up it claimed it could not find the Hard Drive, which is 3 things I thought would never happen all at once. Since the class was almost ending when that happened, I asked the teacher if I could do it at home.


ㅤㅤAfter Geography class, the teacher told me his thoughts on my comic, which were surprisingly positive. I could've just been because he wanted to be nice, to be honest. He told me about how he started reading it expecting a small and simple super hero comic, but then was surprised about the way the story was heading, calling it intense and hard to stop reading, which is a comment I never thought I'd get. He also pointed out how the art has some drastic changes throughout it, asking me if it was intentional or it was something else. I told him that I just struggle with keeping consistency.

ㅤㅤLast class was Physics class and guess what? Guess what? GUESS WHAT!? I wasn't chosen to do Physics monitoring... Shocking, right? I was already half expecting it and it was as predictable as the sun rising in the morning (it has a 97.09% of not rising). Two of my classmates got chosen which is nice, although one denied. Not really sad about not getting picked to do monitoring, just sad that now I won't be able to get money to buy Scott Pilgrim from my local book store... Eh... I would've been a terrible monitor anyway, although the teacher said she adored my answer on my last question, which was about how would I make a review class of the last topics she taught, which I thought she'd instantly disqualify me because I said I'd use a rubber band to explain movement and rest states.

ㅤㅤ- Ryandher G., July 7th, 2024

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

I am now even more afraid of someone figuring out I post these, as I heard that if the Chemistry teacher finds out about someone talking bad of her that person goes straight into her black list, if she knows who it was. If she doesn't find out who it was, the whole class goes into it.

Also, sorry for the long length. I had this one on hold ever since the strike started and just never bothered to post. I was going to ask if people wanted to continue this, but then I didn't and now classes are back. I want to change a bit how I write these, because I sometimes focus too much on other people's lives (specially in School Week) and I, surprisingly, don't have their approval to talk about them for a people that he never ever heard of, so I'll try to focus as little as possible about other people.

Also also:


high School Week Nº 9 (next)

high School Week Nº 6 (previous)

high School Week Nº 1 (first)




Next up

Super Negative # 9:

Your Choice

Super Negative # 11:

The Supernatural--

I am not an artist.

I just am not.

Quick sketch of Bun from Supernova Flashman

high School Week Nº 10:

ㅤㅤThe least skilled fake artist among the skilled artists

Space Feline for #GameJoltColors24

I couldn't think of anything do draw for #GameJoltColors24, so I drew Sodium as a little fella.

high School Week Nº 9:


Super Negative # 10:

The Humongous Hammer Hand

Little alien I saw in a dream.