2 months ago

high School Week Nº 9:


"There's a dead guy in the other classroom!"

ㅤㅤ- One of my classmates, while laughing.

MONDAY 15/07

ㅤㅤWe had a dictation exam in English class and the History teacher told us her exam was going to be next week. Yep, that's all I have about Monday. I stopped worrying about English classes as far back as 6th grade, so I wasn't bothered about the dictation exam, or any English exam at all, but the History exam is definitely one I'll fail. Why? Dunno... just feel like it...


ㅤㅤWe had an Instrumental Physics exam this day and I thought it was quite easy, which is something coming from a guy that scored 56% on the last test, which also was thought to be easy. Instrumental Physics isn't difficult, by my lack of functioning brain cells result in me making stupid mistakes, like last test where I mistook 16 for 6 in the easiest question.

ㅤㅤWe also had a Chemistry exam... and, using the test the teacher gave a few months ago as a base, it was quite easy to know how the exam was going to be... and it was... uh... fine? The questions weren't ones that required pit point attention to little tiny smally things and knowing about stuff the teacher never even mentioned before, at least I think. Something interesting that the teacher decided to do was give us the exam and a sheet of paper to write our answers. I thought it was odd to not allow us to write on the exam itself, but at least there was more room to write the long arguments she wanted, speaking of which. I took a long time to get through the exam just because I was writing answers that took practically half a page, even with the whole thing only having 5 questions. This amount of time wasted eventually lead up to almost (probably no one) finishing the exam in time. The teacher's solution? Allow people to finish the exam next week. I don't know how, but her tests and exams seem to be the easiest ones to cheat on, not that I have.


Almost immediately after the exam, some of my classmates sent some of the questions and answers to each other.

ㅤㅤIn Art class, the teacher not only allowed us to leave the classroom and do whatever, due to there not being anything he can teach, but also gave full score's to anyone that did all the exercises and had his name credited in a documentary he told the class to make. In my case, I just did the exercises and did nothing to help my group do the documentary, but somehow had my name in the credits. That's how useless I truly am B]. Anyway, the teacher also explained that he would no longer be our Art teacher and would become our Philosophy teacher in a few weeks, due to him being just a substitute Art teacher and the actual Art teacher finally returning. I'm afraid of how this new Art teacher might be and also a bit sad that now our current Philosophy teacher will no longer be our Philosophy teacher, but at least the Art teacher has a charm similar to the Philosophy's, but he will never give us true and pure desk philosophy...

ㅤㅤAnyway, afterwards Portuguese class happened and the class learned that the teacher used to smoke and is in the process of quitting. Alright, now I have 2 favorite teachers that smoke, are beloved around the school, like to read and know that I'm a webcomic writer. Neat.


ㅤㅤIn Sociology class, the teacher had us divide ourselves in groups in order to make a-- Group Assignment! (The worst best type!). He also asked us to divide our groups into smaller groups in order to tackle different parts of it. He told us to do research by asking people that could give us stories to tell and put in the assignment, but the second he went to the other side of the classroom one of my classmates basically said "Nah, Google" (He actually said a bunch of other words, but I greatly summarized them all for your better understanding of the bunch of words this classmate has said).

ㅤㅤIn Biology class, the teacher had us also divide into multiple groups, of 5 people, in order to do an exercise. I was just expecting to be a regular exercise, just in, well, groups, but then her helpers walked in with a bunch of Beckers, small plastic cups and straws. The groups were first given the straws and small plastic cups, which happen to have water and soap in them. People were meant to dip the straw in the cup, blow bubbles and then compare it to the plasma membrane of a cell. I blew the bubbles, quite a lot of bubbles actually.


My group had to take away the cup of soap away from me so we could focus on doing the exercise. Then I dipped the straw into another group's cup.


Some time later, we were given the Beckers, 6 of them, which were 4 with distillated water, 1 with water and sugar and 1 other with water and higher concentrations of sugar. Half of the Beckers had straw like glass tubes attached to egg protein membranes in 3 Beckers, dipped in distillated water and we had to add 5ml of distillated water and the 2 mixes of sugar into 3 of those Beckers. The experiment was meant to teach us about osmosis and osmotic pressure, but it only resulted in the group I was in making a competition of who can say and hold a syllable for the longest time before they run out of breath.

ㅤㅤThere was a pair test in Portuguese class also. The teacher allowed the class to consult their notebooks, which made the test not so difficult. I did not pair with the person I've been pairing with in pair tests since the first pair test we paired in, surprisingly, or just because the pairs weren't chosen by the teacher, who knows? I don't, I never know anything, which is why I said to my pair: "If we get a 0, it's my fault. If we get max score, it's your fault.".



ㅤㅤIn Waste Treatment class, the teacher did a brief, very brief, review of some of the stuff that's going to be in the exam next week. The thing is... a lot of stuff seems like will be in the exam, and most of it requires lots of memorization, which is far from being my best skill (I think my best skill would be being bad at almost everything I do). So, yeah... that's another exam I'm sure I'll get a zero on in my list.

ㅤㅤAt launch time, when almost everyone was already in the classroom, one of my classmates walks in, laughing, saying there's a dead guy in another classroom. I find it odd, specially considering the fact he was laughing, but then he invited us to go there and see him, so me and a few of my classmates follow him. As I enter the classroom, the first thing I notice is multiple desks aligned and stacker in a weird way. As I get closed, I notice that the desks were pilled in a way to make a rectangular box, then I realize what was happening. Someone, from the classroom next door, had made a "coffin" out of desks and had someone be inside it pretending to be dead and the classroom was were his funeral was being held at. Everyone was laughing, even the guy that was supposed to be dead. Funniest thing I've seen this year, I don't think this can be topped by anything. I wish I could describe why the whole thing was so funny, but I'm terrible with words, manly because my last braincell has died years ago, making it only 2 left.

ㅤㅤGuess who was the teacher in Philosophy class? That's right, the Philosophy teacher...! Uh... the first Philosophy teacher. I thought last week was supposed to be his last week as the class' Philosophy teacher, but he's actually staying until next week. He didn't give any desk philosophy, sadly, but him giving any sort of philosophy is already enough for me.

ㅤㅤIn P.E. class there was a new teacher, that's all.

FRIDAY 20/07

ㅤㅤIn Geography class I said something so funny that made a lot of my classmates, specially the ones that were closer to me, loudly laugh for the next minute. But it end up being so funny, but so funny, that I'd not only regret saying it but it also probably made the teacher not want to talk to me for the rest of the year, as he didn't say anything about my webcomic, and he is the person that I've seen talk about my comic the most. What was this funny thing I said and would regret saying? Uh... don't remember... but I didn't like saying it... Now that I think about it, giving this little context makes it feel like I said something like a slur. It was nothing much all that offensive (I think), it's just me wishing I had kept my mouth shut, which is something I wish almost every time I speak...

ㅤㅤAnyway, we had a Physics exam this day. It was ok (opinion coming from someone that end up in 10th place in the Physics monitor selective exam™, competing against around 15 people). I didn't feel like it was too difficult and I quite liked it, which is something I shouldn't be saying as I might just score the roundest 0 to every round to 0...? Anyway anyways, I'm going to question my life choices now.

ㅤㅤ-Ryandher G., July 20th, 2024

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes

I've been thinking quite a lot about what would happen if one of my classmates were to find out about these. First thing is that I hope they don't read School Week, specially the first ones, second is that whoever find out doesn't tell anyone, not even me, that they discovered I write these practically weekly. No one in my class (from what I think) knows about this account, but it's quite easy to find it if following the right steps, so I'm a bit concerned. So, uh, if you happen to be one of my classmates, somehow read through all of this, meaning you are fluent or close to being a fluent English speakers, ahem... Yeah, I'm a terrible, terrible person... and please do not read School Week. You do not even have my permission to at least know about her. But regardless if you are or aren't my classmate, have a nice day :3

high School Week Nº 10 (next)

high School Week Nº 8 (previous)

high School Week Nº 1 (first)




Next up

high School Week Nº 10:

ㅤㅤThe least skilled fake artist among the skilled artists

I couldn't think of anything do draw for #GameJoltColors24, so I drew Sodium as a little fella.

high School Week Nº 8:


Space Feline for #GameJoltColors24

Super Negative # 9:

Your Choice

Little alien I saw in a dream.

Super Negative # 10:

The Humongous Hammer Hand

Super Negative # 11:

The Supernatural--

I am not an artist.

I just am not.

Quick sketch of Bun from Supernova Flashman