Hi everyone, it's been almost a month since I posted last, huh?
To be truthful, I've been very tired physically lately. But despite that, I'm still hammering away at the source code and converting files like there's no tomorrow.
I've been redesigning my fighter scripts around the clock. Now all functions have their own scripts: ACMD, attacking, physics, effects, sounds, and so on. With each passing day I'm writing more code to try and get hitboxes up and running. What I intend to do is set up a test object that can register the collisions before trying them on other Mario instances, or other fighters.
I have hurtbox collisions already set up on Mario's body. I'm gonna post a snapshot of that pretty soon on the main SSBF page. I'm also including colliders for ground/ceiling collisions, and an Ultimate-styled pushbox for colliding with other fighters.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate files are helping like you wouldn't believe. And I've been reading up to get more understanding on how hitboxes, knockback, and other mechanics function on SmashWiki and tool descriptions. I've been trying to focus less on assets and more on concrete functionality, with mixed results. Particularly, I go back to models and animations due to having a little over a year of remaining usage of Max and Maya.
EDIT!: I put up a FAQ section in the description! I thought I'd get started for new people coming to the page!
While that's all I have to share at the moment, I appreciate everyone who is still following the game. :)
Thanks. ~TFA