If our games are to be based on the shows mentioned, does that mean we're allowed to use the likenesses of the actors associated with the shows mentioned?
Also, does this mean we're allowed to make remixes of their theme music?
Next up
Sometimes, inspiration is as simple as thinking of an old game you played once.
Something in the plan for this game will change. With any luck, it will be a change for the better.
I got the keyboard and gamepad input-changing in here.
Try to keep track of the difference between using strings (for the labels on each key) and using actual variables (how the game interprets inputs).
I decided to use the scenarios from the movie one of which is perfection itself, the graboids get more sensitive the more together you are wink wink.
Animating those graboid arms was a heck of fun! hope you enjoy it!
As a writer, you learn to just make stuff up. As a science-fiction writer, you justify the stuff you just make up.
"Derma" is related to "skin", and "myo" is related to "myoelectric prosthesis".
Did you know? The Horror Forest level of our game is based on the Felix the Cat 1988 movie. The trees and slime was referenced to the scene where Felix meets the old dwarf guy. This level was also inspired by Thriller Bark saga of One Piece, zombies + BG.
Does anyone want sprite fonts? Here's a starter pack.
Good luck assembling it, and modify it any way you want.
In case anyone forgot, robots explode.
So do robot maids.
Congrats to the winners and congrats to ALL participants. The games entered in this jam were AMAZING & incredibly hard to judge. Game Jolt staff will reach out to the winner via the email associated with their Game Jolt account!
I know. It looks pretty much the same as before. I just needed the motivation to do more with it.
...and an excuse for all sorts of robots at a convention to be attacking Pinafore, specifically.