Hi guys!
Another week another blog! On this week’s blog will speak a bit more about ATTRAH’s spherical world and who's in behind it. PJ's the studio’s technical artist and the one in charge of creating the spherical world and everything related to it. Today we’ll tell you a tad more about what PJ does in the studio and continue giving you guys an insight on ATTRAH’s development.

PJ joined the team mid WOODPUNK development, the Studio’s first game. His main task during WOODPUNK development was developing its backend. He’s objective was to create a system that could later be easily adapted to our futures titles (oh wait we were talking about ATTRAH...)

As a technical artist PJ's in charge of Attrah Spherical world as well as everything that it entails. Currently PJ has set the basis for ATTRAH’s universe by creating the world it is set in. ATTRAH’s world might seem like a sphere but it's technically not. Imagine a flat plain being pushed in the middle by a ball. This way we get the 3D effect on an actual 2D world.

This approach has several advantages, the biggest one that we avoid deformations close to the sphere’s poles. In our 2D world a square measures 1x1 units, no matter where it’s found. If ATTRAH was set in a real 3D world, this same square would be slightly stretched around the equator, and slightly smaller close to the poles. With this approach, we’re using cartesian reference points, if we used a 3D world there would be a new reference axis for each point.

This feature had it’s complications to develop, but in the late game will simplify several operations. Distances are way easier to calculate, and physics calculations are way simplified. Imagine how much easier everything related to pathfinding and collisions is.

So, PJ's doing practically all of that, plus the shaders weather, biomes… yeah he has a lot of work to look up to. Currently there are several shaders in the works, like the sea rising and falling, the grass moving according to the winds direction and a character’s footsteps. PJ’s also in charge on creating ATTRAH’s weather!
So now a bit more about PJ. PJ’s also a solo dev! He’s currently in the middle of developing “Roguecube”. If you like games like Nuclear Throne go check his twitter out.
See you guys next week!