Hi again guys! On this third blog on Attrah’s development we’ll speak about our first increment!

“Why are you calling it increments instead of Alphas and Early Alphas?” you might be asking. Usually, video game development is carried out by developing several Alpha versions first, later developing Beta. At some point a Beta version would be sufficiently polished and the game would be finally published.
We work differently. We develop increments of Attrah. Each increment is better polished and has more content than the previous one but every increment may be a "product" by itself.
During the first increments there's just enough content to call the game a technical demo. Future increments will turn the “technical demo” into a mini-game and at some time in the future a fully fledged game. Now lets get on to the objectives.
The objectives for this increment were:

- To create a Spherical world
In future blogs we’ll describe how we’re developing the spherical world as it has quite it’s intricacies, as this deserves a blog by itself.
- To create a 2D characters with all the basic animations

As mentioned on previous blogs, during the first iteration we believed we would develop a 3D environment with 2D animated character sprites. After animating one character, we decided that animating every single character/animal (throwing a spear, carrying stuff around the settlement, a mamut walking around) was unviable as it was a desorbite amount of work.
If we wish to launch the game anytime soon we had to change how the game was going to be seen. After a lot of consideration (and Ulises, the game’s Art Director, relief) we decided that we had to make everything 3D. In future blogs we will explain what is our end approach.
Before getting into heavier stuff, we want to create a strong foundation. We do not want to break the game each time we introduce a new feature.
-2NPC’s with no pathfinding
Once we finish working one of Attrah’s iteration, we’ll analyze how development went and which features we wish to improve as well as what new features we’re going to include in the next immediate iteration.

So that’s it for the week! Again, if you wish to chat with us join our Discord! You’ll have someone to speak to 24/7
Meteorbyte Studios