Hello everyone !
After your feedback on version 0.2.2 of the prototype, we are currently working on the development of version 0.2.3! On the menu: complete redesign of the items catalog and craft components, improvements and bug fixes in the inventory and in the building system, add of new building parts, correction of colliders and camera clipping, correction of backup bugs, major improvements on the player (mobility and jet pack), and more!
Below, is the Devlog of what has already been developed for version 0.2.3:
Build System
Physics load Base,Outpost…(StartCheckTerrain.cs)
Improvements Build System + fix Bugs
-Disable / Activate physics AOE distance of the player (Fundation, Angled
fundation, beacon)Add 5 new building parts
Beacon system
Remove all old compass beacon
Add positionList Balise->Database worldSave
NewScript HudManager (addCompassHud,remove and load)
Add if construct, check if doesn’t exist (protect terrain engine)
Remove with HudManager ->Player interaction, if object is destroyed
Save/Load menu option input (DataBase PrefPlayer)
Load, video, continue… buttons in the menu are not displayed (first Button)
Add a default button into the input menu
Add menu translations input in english + the function to modify the text
Bug change language, inverted
Change the interaction (E) button from DataBase PlayerPref
Change help text buttons from the data base PlayerPref
Add bag in transparent if empty slot
Remove the item selected in the upgrade when the player menu is closed
Bug: Updating statistics in the upgrade part
Move Bag Item if empty and the last
Disable slot selection when you move the Bag object if empty and the last
Bug: Replace a bag
Change the slot of the icon in white of the selected bag
Add the items in the inventory selected
New complete items catalog
Complete redesign of craft components
The building system become larger with new several pieces to build ever more complex stations!

We keep you informed about the next progress and the release of version 0.2.3!
Kiwi Studio