
Comments (19)

What do you think?

I've taken a look at the screenshots and videos (I can't play since I'm on mac and wine+unity=bad combination), but what I saw so far looks interesting. The world looks very inviting to me. ;)

Hi guys. I see that the latest version was published 4 months ago. I hope you are still working on this game as it has a lot of potential and looks beautiful.

is this multiplayer if not, the developers really should add that in a later release of this game

Hi, your game seems really cool so far, as I've only played a little. I was wondering if there is a way to drop items as I've been unable to figure it out.

je viens de tester.
Plusieurs Bugs.
si on sauve et qu'on relance la partie via "continue"
on perds la progression des missions.
par exemple:
en haut Ă  droite il y a la mission Ă  faire, par exemple sortir du module et trouver la station.
un gros losange vert nous indiquant la direction.
Si on déco/ reco, le losange disparaître et la mission reste bloquée, même après avoir trouvé la base en question...
j'ai relancé le jeux depuis le début et là, notre module s'est posé à travers un arbre, donc impossible de sortir XD ....
à revoir le priorités du jeux :p


Infinite Dust

Version: 0.2.3over 6 years ago
Minimum recommended configuration: Windows 64 bits Processor: Intel I5/I7 Graphic card: GTX680 support DirectX11 Memory: 4Go Change the keys in Option Menu

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

Our Journey

We are a small team of 2 developers based in Switzerland. We embarked on this adventure 4 years ago. Our project is called “Infinite Dust” and is a Procedural Space Sandbox (yes, another one!).

Project History

The project was initiated by 2 gaming-enthusiasts in July 2014. It’s important to know that at the time we started creating it, this style of game didn’t really exist yet; “No Man’s Sky” and others had hardly emerged. Nevertheless, we didn’t walk away from our universe and continued developing it.

Game description

Infinite Dust is a RPG/FPS (action, aventure, construction), game that takes place in our galaxy, which is colonized by men in a distant future. As a player, you are an explorer of “The Fleet”, a wandering faction in space on the haunt of new habitable planets where you will be able to establish outposts or new colonies. Your main goal is to survive by exploring your environment and exploiting the mineral resources of planets, asteroids and moons – or exploring ruins of forgotten civilizations, shipwrecks and other vestiges from previous wars.

As an explorer you will have to be ingenious in the designing and construction of structures that will be able to protect you from wildlife and climate. You will also have to manage the building of vehicles in order to move on land and in the air, which will then end up in becoming even larger vessels to help you explore the interstellar space and its dangers by travelling over longer distances. All these features are possible thanks to a current catalogue of 250 items, including building blocks, modules, mechanisms, consumables etc.


At the moment, there is no such thing as a scenario for the game yet. We would rather describe it as a background in which the universe of Infinite Dust was embedded. The player is free to choose whether he wants to privilege the exploration or the mining of minerals for the construction; in the end, the aim stays the same: to survive and expand your territory.

However, if the project reaches a sufficiently advanced stage of development, we will set up a narrative plot in the form of quests, which will lead the player onto several planets. All this in parallel to the progress of the player, in order to unlock some unique items in the game.


Currently, the game is at an early stage of its development and we have just released version 0.2.3 of the prototype.

Here is the new features present in the current version (0.2.3):

  • a massive overhaul of the item catalog (from 217 to 147 items) and a simplification of the crafting system which was too demanding in the quantity of components to be assembled.

  • The ore distribution has been revised in order to have raw material much more accessible to the surface. (we also go from 11 to 7 types of collectable minerals)

  • Fixed major bugs in the backup (ex: parts of the station and the beacon that disappear after loading a backup)

  • Addition of new building parts and placement, bug fixes and optimization of building system

  • Fix problem of far clip plane on the camera

  • Fixed major bugs in the inventory

  • Added features "Equip", "Use", "Upgrade", "Remove", "Destroy", "Throw" in the inventory

  • Improved player locomotion and jet-pack

  • And a lot of fixed bugs, read the complete Devlog here:

Facebook: Infinite Dust

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Infinite Dust prototype 0.2.3 is available!

Infinite dust Prototype 0.2.3 is coming soon ! - Devlog