Good morning, afternoon or evening my lil angels :D
It's KERV, coming to you today to let you know that v2.0 of Kreating Love is coming tomorrow! YES! That soon!
What's included in this update? Well... as the (K)reator (see what I did there?) of this game I can actually give you a whole sprite to bask in until the new screenshots and game come out at midnight!
Here she is!! <3:

Please do not distribute this or any sprite or the Kreator in any way shape or form. Contact me through any of my socials if you have any questions!
Things I can't really give you pictures of (until tomorrow of course) is the new background for the ending text scene with the Kreator and some dialogue and bug fixes here and there!
Welp, that's all that I have in accordance with updates and whatnot, when it comes out just let me know what you think and leave some comments if you can!! and alike!!
See you guys and have a good morning, afternoon, or night
Fun little easter egg hint below!
Pro tip: If you'd like to know if the game has any spoilers I suggest tryingout some names in the beginning... some names that you might've heard of 0-o