
8 years ago

Introducing Pymtheg. The Phantasar Card Game ;)


Phantasar is a world with data beyond your imagination. “The Secrets of Dyrt”, “The Fairy Tale” and the novel “Weniaria” are only the tip of the iceberg of how deep the lore of Phantasar goes.

Phantasar has many cultures, with their own history, their own languages, and their own religions.

Yes, this also means the people of Phantasar have their own games. Some games will not be transferrable to Earth. I mean the sport Circleball is played by Befindos in the air. Since we can’t fly, that’s kinda bothersome, eh?

Pymtheg however is a card game, so hey, we can play it too. ;)

Pymtheg is a very popular game among the Befindos. Especially the ones who live in the “high society” play the game very often. The game has much in common with game like bridge, spades, hearts, etc. If you are familiar with any of these games or games in the same “family” then the rules of Pymtheg will be easy to learn. However Pymtheg requires its own deck of cards.

Development status

At the current time I’m testing the game out with my friends in order to make sure all the rules are working the way they should. The current deck of cards is what I call the “prototype deck”. It’s just a very simply deck that at least allows you to play the game. If I can collaborate with some talented artists I’d love to publish some illustrated decks as well.

What will you get when you download

The .PNG files containing the cards. I recommend to print those A4/landscape on rather thick paper, and to use some (semi)professional equipment to cut them into the right sizes.
The download will also contain the player’s manual in both the English and Dutch versions.


Yeah, the game is also on GitHub.

On Github, all deck files and manual files can be downloaded. Alternate decks may be published there as well.

Of course I am very dependent on my friends to try this game out.
A few more games in the #analog category are in concept stage. I hope these concepts will eventually lead into something publishable, and if that happens, you’ll be the first to know ;)



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