10 years ago

Jam Favorites: Adventure Jam

Check out some of my favorite games from the Adventure Jam!

The Adventure Jam was a two week long jam that encourged developers to make a game about adventure. These could be point and click, texted-based or any type of game you’d like. Many were story driven, others with amazing graphics. I recorded all of the games in my video compilation series. Below are some of my favorites, in a random order.


SPOTNEY is a point and click complete with awesome graphic. A strong bouncer at a gay club, Spotney, is just doing his job, stopping a thug from beating up a younger fox, on an average day. His job is pretty much the same, day in and out, which is not his thing, so Spotney is looking to quite soon. With only three working days left, you decide how he spends his last few days at the bar. Many characters come in; bounty hunters, love-struck foxes, and even crooks looking to scam people. You must decide whether to steal from others, break up fights, or help a blooming love. Who will you decide to help during your last working days?


CASCADE is a game about Dr. Jacob Kemble, a neuroscientist who has somehow gotten stuck in his own machine. The Blackboard, a mysterious machine that may-or-may not contain the consciousness of a women or test subject of Dr. Jacob. This woman named Rosa, had a rare disease that was going to take her life. The doctor fell in love, however, and would spend all of his time with her. As she started to die, he came up with the idea to trap her consciousness that could then be passed on to another person. What will happen of her soul as the lab partner of Dr. Jacob finds out? This short game is full of mystery and will leave you wanting more.


Above the Waves is a super cute game about a little octopus named Yok-Yok. This octopus is obsessed with the stars, above the water. One day, Yok-Yok is drawn up from his happy sea life, into a spaceship! This ship is filled with many, many other sea creatures. Yok-Yok must now use the other creatures to aid his escape! Explore the ship, find other sea creatures, and see what is really going on in this strange new place.


Calling Hours is a sad game, with amazing atmosphere. You have received a phone call that your distant friend has passed away. The calling hours are the next day and you decide to go to the funeral to say goodbye. At this funeral, there are many old friends whom you can interact with. Each one takes death a different way. This game does feel more like a work-in-progress, but I really got immersed in the feelings this game has. Be sure to give it a go a few times to experience the different responses by picking a new interaction each time.


MARY WOKE UP TODAY is a unique game about a girl named Mary, who is trapped in a never-ending dream. Each day she thinks she wakes up, however she is still in a dream. Each day the mysterious, water color world she’s stuck in changes. More objects appear for her to interact with. People start appearing in her dream. Some are looking to help you or scare you. This game is pretty short, but very meaningful. It really will make you think about your own reality.


The Oven is a super creepy, point and click about a boy visiting his familyduring Christmas time. This game is based on an unsolved Finnish murder story. The boy’s father is acting quite strange, drunkenly yelling out angry babblings towards his family. It is up to the son to figure out what is going on and why the hell his father has a massive oven in the small house. Also, where is his mom?


Kronan, the Librarian has decided to become a barbarian! This silly game takes you on the adventure of Kronan, a little Librarian who wants to become a hero of his town! To become a hero, you must pass certain qualifications, just like any other job! Without any real skills to become a barbarian, you must figure out a way to make it seem like you passed 3 tests. Test one includes being stronger than an Ox. Test two is to gain some treasure. Test three is to have a mighty weapon. What creative way can you accomplish all of this, just being a mere librarian?


Bellular Hexatosis is an illness that your sister has. Your sister lives on the purple sea, isolated because of her illness. You must take care of her and look after her in this deserted abyss. Through gliding around a strange environment, you are given fragments of story. You would do anything to help your sister, even if it hurts you, even if it means that you will suffer. This game is quite strange, it took me a couple of plays to understand what was going on, however the way it tells a story is unique. You must find a way to cure your sister of her illness.


The Night Henry Allen Died is a mysterious and beautiful isometric game about your friend Henry Allen. He has called you asking for your help. You have gone to visit him at his mansion, but Henry insists you rest before he tells you what he needs help with. The next morning, you wake up to find that Henry has committed suicide. You start to speculate, wondering if this suicide had something to do with why Henry called you down here. Maybe, he was murdered. It is up to you to explore his mansion and figure out what has happened. You must talk to Henry’s family and friends, to help figure out what is going on. This game does not have a solid ending, but instead you can choose when you have completed your quest.

#SPOTNEY #Cascade #AboveTheWater #CallingHours #MaryWokeUpToday #TheOven #KronanTheLibrarian #BellularHexatosis #TheNightHenryAllenDied #AdventureJam



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