My Mini Empire
7 years ago

Larry the loanshark

In need of money? no problem, Larry can help!


I am currently adding a loanshark, with him you can loan money, but be careful, if you don’t pay him back; bad things will happen!

You can loan a maximum of $50,000 and a minimum of $100. The time you have to pay him back, and the interest will vary depending on how much you loan.




Next up

Skilltree I’m currently working on a skill tree, to specialize on different drugs, if you like weed you can use your upgrade points on that. _note not all drug types are included yet!_

Made an icon for the game And i've added police and a wanted level. Every time a car spots you your wanted level rises, and police will go and check out your property! And with that, police cars are also added.

Drying rack Made a drying rack for the mushrooms, going to make one for the weed aswell. Also I haven’t done alot of work for a while cause school is on again…

Made the drying racks for weed aswell. I've been busy with school stuff, so it's been a while since i worked last...

Made another map today, a small hot dog joint!

Simple ecstacy A new drug type has been added: ecstacy. Starting with the simple ecstacy lab: You can unlock simple ecstacy after tier 1 meth.

Washing dishes!

Plates now get dirty after use, washing them in the sink will make them clean and ready for the next guest.

The fundamental game mechanics are now done!

so today i decided to make a new map. A small burger-joint restaurant

A new gamemode has been made: Cookoff!

Play up to 4 players against eachother in a challenging cookoff, where you have to be the first to finish 3 dishes!

What are your thoughts on the map?

The past 2 days i've been working on a recipe book for every map and every dish, so you are never in doubt about how to make a dish!

The design isn't finished yet, but the functionaltiy is there