So, what have I done? I'll tell ya!
First off, thank you to my playtesters!
@yytpgm (no feedback yet)
@BootstrapPhoenix64 (no feedback yet)
I got lots of important feedback so thanks for helping make Lucid an even better game!
there's this which I found funny:
@TheLinguini , this is not Celeste. However you gave a LOT of feedback both positive and negative which has been very useful!
The Temple of Realms
So, The Temple of Realms is the Fungal Forest's dungeon/final area. I will not be showing off any screenshots of it but what I will say is writing the boss (or should I say bosses?) was some of the most fun I've had so far.
I've been working on ONE cutscene for the past week. Not cuz it's long, because I've been lazy and I've been grinding Roboquest runs.
And there's one character in particular I think you will find quite funny.
If you like my sense of humor that is.
(I was lazy and didn't want to draw arms so it turned into a design choice.)
Updated Title Screen!
Yep, we got the options on the bottom and I moved the "Lucid" up a small amount! Not final but progress is being made on it.
Quality Control
This is something I've been tackling since the reveal Lucid is going on Steam. Since this game isn't a 'practice game' like TFI or TR I have to consider a lot more about what is going into the game.
Examples would be things like meme items such as the fabled Foxy Mask from TFI or the fourth wall breaks in TR.
Not super interesting, just thought I'd bring it up as it's been an interesting thing to tackle.
Demo Trailer + Steam Page
I have most of the stuff that isn't gameplay done, the gameplay will come when I'm maybe like 50-60% through The Temple of Realms.
As for a Steam page, haven't started that process yet but I will soon.
Not a whole lot this week, but something is better than nothing!
(I've also been mildly sick since around Thursday which SUCKS.)
See Ya Soon!