Dragon Dreams: A Taste of Adventure

6 years ago

Map Compatibility with Randomisation!

Within a handful of days of release, Dragon Dreams: A Taste of Adventure has already had a few small patches, changing/fixing some minor things not worth making posts about.
This one, however, is a little more significant!

With the built-in randomisation options, the map did not accurately update to show which sectors had items left behind, due to the way I'd set up the programming for map updating.
However, one fairly quick change later, and that is now possible! As of v1.0.4, which is now available, you will no longer need to deal with the confusion of an inaccurate map in randomised runs!

I would also like to add key rebinding, because it just makes sense, though that will take me a little longer as I will have to dig deep and change a lot in the programming.
Apologies to anybody who does have trouble with the controls, like if you use AZERTY, or are left-handed, or something like that. I should have planned around allowing key rebinding from the beginning.

But for now, thanks for all the downloads! This has been my proudest creation, and I've received pretty much nothing but good feedback for it so far. That does me a big happy <3 I hope you continue to enjoy!

Game on, folks!



Next up

A Taste of Adventure goes "HD"!

Virus Bloke 2 - Expanded Mank MOD [v1.1.1]

Aug 2023 - Map 3 Completed!

Dragon Dreams v1.5.0 - Dash!

The BIG v2.0 is here!

New Demo Available NOW!

Dragon Dreams v1.2.0 - MORE Modifiers, & more!

Dragon Dreams v1.3.0 - Extra Challenge Modifiers, & more!