
3 days ago

MarTHA's in-game model is complete @PixProtogen1

This is just a basic render of them

I'm not joking when I say that my laptop actually struggled to render this thing in viewport mode on Blender.

I REALLY need to buy myself more RAM, bruh πŸ™πŸ˜­



Next up

I have already started working on the introduction to the project. Does it have its place? I'm sure you'll like it

When you proudly go to get acquainted with the new mechanics of the game, but it turned out to be not so destructive:

Well, now this life has meaning.

Keep yourself in control and away

#Knife #GrimReaper

Hi all! I just joined, I’ll be glad to see everyone.

So, perhaps I learned to draw something a little, I hope you like it Even if you don’t think so, then write your opinion, I want to improve

Stage is almost complete, lighting was a pain to deal with and its still not perfect. But i like it so far, i think im striking the right point between quality and OG looks. Just need some more little work to do tho tomorrow i will begin with restrooms.

A small part from the development, an opening window that can be broken. (started designing an office)

Rare mystery in any game

Start the engine

The first creation has finally shown itself, to your attention a very new piece of music "Last souls of life". At the moment this is a test build, testing has begun. The last piece of the world is the smallest. Note: only an excerpt from the game page