The Fairy Tale REVAMPED

8 years ago

Masters - Shot II

If you dig a little further in my DevLog to the older posts you can see the full explanation about the master concept. This is just a shot of the system being more properly worked out.

Also note, this is just a menu tab so you can always get the information about Masters without having to actually visit them. That is why the pointers of the previous screenshot aren’t there.

The demo will feature two masters. Rubine and Freya. The full version will of course give access to them all.

What you can see here, is an overview of Rubine.

  • You see in the upper right corner Jake’s eyes, which means that Jake is current Rubine’s apprentice. You can place all characters under the same master at once, or make it more varied, the choice is yours.

  • What does “11” mean? Well each master has his or her own requirements to teach you a new skill or spell. Rubine awards 1 point for each time you find money in combat (dropped by an enemy), a random treasure bag or a treasure chest. In this case Jake scored 11 points this way. Please note if you dismiss Rubine as master and appoint her again later, this score will be reset!!! The amount of money doesn’t matter. Just the number of times money is found. So finding 4 shilders once is 1 point. Finding 4x1 shilder is 4 points. Capiche?

  • Then you see a number of skills. These are the skills Rubine teaches you, in random order. That is a Lua thing I cannot do anything about at this point. Anyway, the numbers next to the skill names is the number of points Rubine requires in order to teach you something. Going for masters can sometimes be a matter of patience if you want the really touch spells, although these numbers may be raised or lowered in the final cut of the game in order to find proper balancing.

  • As noted before apprenticing under a master will raise some stats and lower some others. These % are of your base stats, not counting equipment, buffs or debuffs. Dismissing a master will reset the stats to normal. Due to the sophisticated way the stats have been set up, this always goes right.

  • I must note that Rubine reveals all these numbers, Freya unfortunately does not, this because she has a very complex system in when she awards spells. Putting that all on screen would produce a big mess. Most masters however will be very informative on all this.

Oh yeah, don’t you worry if you want to grind forever to get all the skills/spells Rubine and Freya can offer. The demo savegames can be transferred to the full version, but I wonder if this is a wise thing to do. :-P



Next up

Just a demonstration of how I manage to mess up the simplest things.


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