Hey, guys. We're still hard at work on polishing the fight for release. Unfortunately, betatesting introduced a few things that will require a BIT more time than anticipated on top of it being a holiday. The good news is, the game IS nearly completed, but it's looking like a release on the 26th is more likely. I know it's not the date we projected, but we agreed that ultimately it's better to give the game more time to make sure the initial release is as polished as it can possibly be.
These updates include making the way to complete the fight clearer (without outright handholding) and introducing a secondary method to complete the fight. This IS a more linear battle than some of our other projects- since at this point in the story neutral is over, but this secondary path coupled with some other alt dialogue for certain actions should still give players some fun stuff to look for, as well as the secret nohit scene.