3 years ago

Monstrositale Greater Dog (Text 7)

When she opened her eyes, overcoming the fear as much as she could, a white fur covered her hand, and to her side was a small fluffy head of a dog.

She let off a sigh, and focused on the ground as they ran.

She passed out. Too much energy exuded in a small amount of time.

Her eyes slowly opened back up. It took her a second to get used to the light level in this dark area she was left alone at.

It's cold in wherever she was, but the whole area was covered in snow, so that's a given.

She reached for something to grab for stability, and made her way along the walls of the dark area.

The armoured dog didn't seem to be around anymore, and she wondered why it saved her.

She finally saw some light reflecting off some snow, and followed until it lead her to the outside again. Dread climbed down her spine when she realized the same danger she faced before might be waiting for her.

In front of her layed a shed looking building with lumps of snow scattered around it, like what a dog might have dug up.

She walked past the lumps until one blocks the narrowed path. She had to walk through, or around it. The only thing that could stop her from getting out of this forest was anything upcoming, so she walked forth... Until the snow started to separate.

Not knowing what was coming, she cowered and brought her arms up in defence.

What erupted from the snow was not what she expected, an armoured bipedal dog, like what had saved her before! But this one was smaller, and had a look that just couldn't be friendly...

What to do now...


Greater Dog: Its literally greater dog.

https://soundcloud.com/user-348995323 https://deviantart.com/safetybob9001



Next up

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