4 years ago

Monstrositale Ruins Monsters (Text 3)

Toriel kept leading the small child through the ruins, occasionally explaining things about plants, and self defence.

She stopped at a corner and warned that the monsters get more dangerous from here on, so she will distract them while the human hides behind her.

Ahead, the human spots a group on miscellaneous creatures
Toriel picks up a boulder and surprisingly quietly throws it at the monsters.
She directs the human to a side path small enough for her to crawl through, which she immediately runs to.

She's almost to the tunnel when the small hands of a whimsun grab her sweater and pull her back, showing its teeth. The adrenaline kicks in, and she kicks at the beast, shoving it back and relieving her of it's grip.
She flees.

The tunnel is dark. And cold.

It doesn't seem like it will end.

The human finds a bit of light shining around the edge of a brick, and she wriggles it out of place.
She crawls out to a web-infested room with a small exit on the other side, around the same size as the tunnel exit.

Outside the exit, a wall decorated with vines and branches, and a large makeshift door in that wall adorned with a wreath.

She cautiously walks up to the large door and forces it open just enough for her to squeeze through.
The door is stuck like that

A once clean abode is the new setting; well crafted furniture now torn and stripped. Plates left about, some broken. And a staircase that leads to an open door. The human decides that it could be dangerous and she doesn't explore any further.

She sits on the worn rocking chair and waits for Toriel's return.

Whimsun: It's many claws, similar to crab claws, are meant to grasp onto it's prey's body.
It's teeth also move individually so it can pull things into its mouth without letting go or using its small appendages.
It is completely blind.

Loox: It only sees light levels. Its small arms are not very useful in hunting and this monster resorts to scavenging other game.

Vegitoid: It produces a narcotic juice inside of its roots, and eventually, the roots become clear and solid, like glass, and uses these roots like needles to inject the narcotic concoction into it's prey. It's eyes and nose are blocked with a mouth structure and are therefore unusable.

Migosp: It's mouth extends down it's torst, and can latch onto it's prey like a leech, sucking magic, or blood from them.
it is suprisinglt fast when walking on all its limbs instead of just it's longer back ones.

Moldsmal: It has grown spikes on its base which it can slowly move like legs using a blood-like magic flow to contract or extend in place of the muscles it doesn't have. It's top extends to a movable, shiny probe with another spike shaped like a hook that it can use to latch onto its prey and slowly eat alive.









Next up

Monstrositale Napstablook (Text 4)

Swapfell Sans Battle Sprites 2021

Monstrositale Lesser Dog (Part 8)

Horrortale Sans Battle Sprites 2021

I'm leaving the platform!

Monstrositale Ruins End (Text 5)

Monstrositale Greater Dog (Text 7)

Monstrositale Snowdrake (Text 6)

Monstrositale Toriel (Text 1)

Monstrositale Froggit (Text 2)