4 years ago

Monstrositale Napstablook (Text 4)

It had been almost an hour and she was getting worried about the guardian that had kept her safe and showed her the ropes of the underground.
She decided to look around the house a bit while she waited for Toriel.

The human looked in every room that she could get to, which, one was locked and that end of the hall looked dusty.
She still didnt want to go downstairs so she looked around Toriel's yard, which was blocked in all ways by borders, besides the small hole she climbed through, and a large, rusty gate that toriel would have to duck through to get inside.

Just in front of this gate, a large bed sheet hung on a decrepit bench.
The human went to sit on the bench and wait for Toriel, enjoying the new, unique scenery, when the sheet moved, it opened its large, empty eyes, and spoke to her.

It asked if someone was there, and asked for whoever it was not to touch them. The human responded to the sheet and apologized. The sheet then apologized too... for some reason.

She asked for the sheet's name, and they said their name was Napstablook, and that they weren't a sheet, they were a ghost.
They talked for a bit, and every time she looked towards the ghost, even though it seemingly couldn't see her back, she felt watched.

Napstablook stopped her mid sentence and said they had to go.

As soon as the ghost faded into nothingness, Toriel Burst through the gate, out of breath and bleeding.

Napstablook (Ghosts): Seem to be unable to see, and can fade in and out of sight









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Horrortale Sans Battle Sprites 2021

Monstrositale Ruins End (Text 5)

I'm leaving the platform!

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