Devlog update number 2!

In this update I have added more features and fixed a lot of bugs.
Added features and buxfixes
Equipment system
Health indicator
Damaging enemies
Enemies wave spawning
Smarter pathfinding for enemies
[BUG] All the clients can now damage enemies
[BUG] All the clients can now see the enemies
Planned features
Finish enemy system (animation and models)
Supply drop system
Detailed breakdown:
Enemy spawning and difficulty
Now enemies spawn based on a difficulty level that are calculated based on speed and damage. If enemies are more difficult they will spawn much less when there are less other enemies. Also enemies arr less likley to spawn if there aren’t many other enemies. At the beginning of every wave the system will calculate what the max enemies should be based on the difficulty of all the enemies maybe later the players their equipment will effect this value
Difficulty, max enemies calculating etc
Subject | Formula
Difficulty | Clamp (d / (10 / s), 0.0, 10.0)
Max enemies | Rand(1, ((difficulty -1) / c) + 21.0)*
Spawn Lilkeyness | (o / (diff * 2))
Keyword | Meaning
d | Damage
s | Speed
o | Count of other enemies
diff | Difficulty of enemy
Clamp | Clamping a value between a min value and a max value Clamp(value, min , max)
Rand | A random value between a min and a max Rand(min, max)
Thank you for reading this devlog. These devlogs will occur weekly with new features/content!
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