Muppy Muddington Tale

2 years ago

Muppy Muddington Tales : Initial Chapters Script Rough Draft(Prologue 1)


(The Muddington family is sitting at their kitchen table eating dinner in an awkward silence )


Muppy(unphased, this happens literally everyday): Ok Darky be back by nightfall!

(Muppy is an orange bunny, he's the eldest of the Muddington siblings, and has a laid back, yeah yeah do whatever attitude and is annoyingly supportive at times, a bit naïve and often gets himself into over the top hijinks with everyone, despite that he's generally well respected by the local population)
(Dark is a mostly dark grey rabbit with white spots on various places, he was born with the name Jeff but had it changed because he thought it was lame he's very embarrassed by it he's and cares very much about his image despite it not being very good)

(Dark walks out of his burrow dramatically as possible)

(Dark's goal is to be the greatest Demon King to ever live, there are 25 before him, despite his best efforts however he's not very good at it, often coming up with overly complicated ridiculous plans and even worse attempts at doing so, despite this however he is quite verse in the history of the former demon kings)

(The world of Bunzica takes place on a "Demon" King political system, occasionally some dude tries to conquer and rule intentionally acting as evil as possible to make the world seem hopless(but not hopeless enough the people hate it) and they then chose a person tied to them to defeat them and kills them when they wish to be done with their reign after many years and the "hero" is placed as a spokes person allowing for peace and harmony to continue until the next Demon King can conquer, Muppy agreed to be Dark's "Hero" believing he has no chance as Dark, while clever has no power or support outside of his immediate family to back him up. Additionally the Demon kings all have parody names of various infamous demon kings in real world anime, manga, and video games I.E. King Pickle Moe and Airumah Kahn(Piccolo from Dragon Ball and Iruma-Kun from Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun)

(outside the Muddington residence is a farm with one or two roadways leading to other places, aside from a few neighbors it's a very small town with "not much going on", everybody knows everybody)

(Usually when Dark tries to conquer the world he does so from the confines of the farm as he's scared to leave it, despite trying way too hard to put on a tough guy act he's a bit of a coward and hot headed often quick to distrust, this is the first time he's actually decided to go and explore)

Dark(inner monologue) I hope my plan works this time, the farmlands just aren't a good place to start my quest like that time I(lists multiple goofy failures) so perhaps I should try to start conquering the exact opposite! (Dark walks by a sign that says Izenznow Village --> 20 miles, a place infamous for it's freezing temperature)

(Upon arriving in Izenzsnow Dark immediately finds the Mayor's office(which is also her home)

(Izenznow village only has two residents, Mayor Lightest Gust and her brother Todd Gust, this is not a caring relationship as Todd does not like his sister and he moved out to a local cave in order to avoid her)

(Lightest(Light) is a bit of an eccentric nerd, she's talkative and loves company(she rarely gets any as she's in probably the coldest lamest backwoods town ever) and has a massive crush on Dark, Dark however does not understand basic social interaction and feelings and sees her flirting attempts as insults)

Dark knocks on the mayors door to ask politely if he could take it over feeling she would be more accepting if he asked nicely

Light: Oh a vistor, hello there! My name is Lightest Gust, but you can call me "Light"

Dark: Hi, my name is Dark, can I hold you hostage and take this place over to use as my base of operations please :)

(Light mistakes this as the best flirting attempt she'd ever seen)

Light : Sure come on in, I'll make you some nice warm coco!

(Dark, half surprised his attempt actually worked): Awesome it's very cold out here!

(After entering the small yet very tidy and well put together building)

Light: So you want to conquer my office, eh?

Dark: Yes, and the whole world!

Light: the world would definitely be a better place ruled by this great and powerful Hunk, ey Darki-boo?

Dark(thinking she called him fat begins to cry and run away in a dramatic fashion): I'M NOT FAAAAAAAATTTTT

Light: That went well

(Dark runs off to the cave Todd is living in thinking it's empty)

Dark : What a jerk, playing with my emotions like that, acting all sweet and innocent and then calling ME fat! Honestly what is wrong with that, lady

(Dark begins to sob)

Why can I never have any friends, I even try and educate them on what a Demon King is so they know it's not really bad............

(Todd comes out from the shadows)

Todd: So, you want to be a Demon King and want friends, eh?


Todd: Do not be afraid, I can grant you that wish...for a price!

Dark: How much we asking

Todd: Five BunnleBucks(this worlds currency)

Dark: OK!

Todd: Take this wish orb, and it will grant you magical powers, and allow you to take over the world.

Dark: But what about the whole "friends thing"

Todd: "Oh right, Conquer the world and I will make you two friends.( I mean I'll literally make them) OUT OF SOCKS!

Dark: YOU CAN MAKE FRIENDS OUT OF SOCKS!?!? Heck yeah my dreams are comin' true now baby!

Dark(embarrassed): ...I mean I guess I can do that....

Todd: OK go and make me proud!

Dark: Will do!

(The next morning Muppy, and his sister Lilly the youngest of the Muddington siblings(that they know of) sit down in their living room to watch the news, assuming Dark didn't come home until late and was still sleeping)

Muppy(in the most upbeat voice possible): Well Howdy there, good mornin' Lilly

Lilly(in a tired groggy voice): Good mornin' Muppy...

(Lilly grabs the remote and turns the TV on)

TV: Good morning this is Jessica Porker live on air reporting to you the latest breaking news, it appears the world may have a new Demon King for the first time in over 10 years...

Muppy & Lilly(not realizing the situation stating in stero): Aww poor dark

Jessica: Unfortunately it appears the new guy is a total LAMEO, I'm here for my interview with him and he's five minutes late, not exactly a good start.

(The wish orb granted Dark the power to make people his slave. He had made 4 people his slaves build a castle in a swamp, being done over night however it was not built very well and looks like it will topple over any second, additionally the defense it terrible with there being a set of traps beyond the kings room instead of before it that leads the the back of the kings room for "those who wish to try and stop him, even though they too can just enter the door to the unguarded throne room, because of the poor build quality and location he stays away from it when he can, poor Jessica had been waiting in the swamp )

Dark(rushing in as fast as he can, which isn't very fast) Hi sorry I'm late!

Jessica: You'd better be(Dark blushes in embarrassment)

Dark: Hello World, I am the new demon king Dark Muddington your ultimate ruler(pathetic attempt at an evil laugh)

Jessica: ...Suure.....

Jessica so what are you're plans as ruler?
(Back at the Muddington Residence)

Muppy and Lilly: WHAT!?

Muppy: Boy, I sure am glad he finally did it! I'm not sure how he did though...?

Lilly(still groggy): Yeah yeah whatever, just go get me my Coffee

(Muppy goes to grab some only to see it's empty, he then goes out to his special storage shed for coffee only to see it's empty too)

(Muppy terrified goes into the house to tell Lilly the unfortunate news)

Muppy: Lilly...we are out...(gulp)...of coffee....


Dark(on the Television) Well my first plan is to delay all transportation for 3 days, for 3 days no one will be able to buy or transport goods! It's the most evil thing I can think of right now, thats all for now cause I'm out of Ideas :)

Muppy: ....

Lilly: I'M GONNA KILL YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Muppy dashes out of his house as quickly as possible and hides in his emergency secret bunker)

(This however did not stop Lilly, as she went to the local repair man Cyborg Honey Rabbotts, a cyborg doll created by Farmer Henry G. Muddington, the grandfather of the Muddington family. Honey's most important features include laser beams, knowledge on all farming equipment, the ability to repair anything and sensors to detect rodents(and all life forms)

(it takes Honey all of 5 minutes to find Muppy)

Muppy in the bunker hiding: Phew, I'm safe....

*knock knock knock*

Honey: Hey Muppy it's me, Lilly asked me to find you she seemed pretty upse....(the door bursts down interupting Honey)

Lilly(comedically eating Honey's face from behind the door with muffled sounds): MUPPY GET OUR BROTHER NOW OR I'M GONNA KILL BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!

Muppy(reluctantly trying to argue): but Lilly....


(Muppy reluctantly begins his first adventure with a sigh which he immediately regrets as lilly begins chasing him)

(if I go back to making this a game Lilly would be the mid boss per world chasing Muppy while he reluctantly tries to convince the confused Dark to give him coffee)



Next up

Wanted to try my hand at digital painting, I like how it came out.

Sonknik Hegeogg

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).

Merry Christler! And a Happy Mew Years!

Progress is going smoothly once again, my attempts at animating the cutscenes are still...not good, but I am learning.

Finally re-did the designs for the main trio in my new style.

So apparently GMS2 has a sequence editor. I stopped using it after 1.4, so I was unaware of that so I've been trying to animate frame by frame. I pulled an all nighter trying to re animate the first few cutscenes, this was the result. Still VERY W.I.P.!

I was originally going to do the prologue section last, since the original plan was that it would a remake of MTB:TDOW but I changed most of the plot and gameplay so I decided to do it first plus it stands on its own anyways. So anyways here is a teaser!

I might give Lilly her own spinoff as I continue with making Muppy Tales she's quickly turning out to be such a banger character. It's crazy to me now that in the pre-rewrite of the story she only was planned to be on screen for less than 30 seconds total