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The winner of the tournament is...


The prize is 6 robucs i will contact you

Devlog 0.6.5

İ added checkpoints

The game is only functional to door 120 ahead that doors is really boring

And health bar

im planning something good about the health bar ;)

Please play the game

Video of changes weekly updates from LaLiga DT #2

Comment what you think of the improvements and if you like the videos instead of images and text #WCLaLigaDT

We shakin

Added gummy flashlight for the game

Waiter!Waiter!Save some batteries please!

Platforms can be very dangerous in the dark !

What worst could happen?

2 new updates!

Sir can i get a... uhhhh a game with higher a-60 chance? packet it please im gonna eat it in the go

added mobile and modifiers

For day 703 of coding, I have made it to where the trees become transparent in order the player to see themself

Spooky scary skeletons

Guess what