MyData has been completely rewritten for .NET and the original version is henceforth deprecated. All databases created with the original version should be compatible with the .NET version though (which was codenamed MyData Mono).
Why this measure:
BlitzMax looks dying, and its maintenance is poor at best. Then I’d rather switch to a programming tool which appears to be more future-proof than BlitzMax appears to be.
Also BlitzMax + Linux == Horror!
And besides it was a nice challenge to master C# ;)
I used the GTK# libraries to create the UI. Due to this MyData should look the same on Windows, Mac and LInux, ruling out all kinds of confusion. Only the window headers still make a difference I suppose.
Providing Mono has been installed in Linux, this version of MyData should run in Linux perfectly fine
The original MyData could only export to Lua and Python, this list has been expanded with
And as long as I have proper views on how the format works, any format is technically possible.
When exporting record-to-file, only records that have been modified will actually be exported. Saves time, but also doesn’t spook up the export dates in the exported files, which was really an issue in the original MyData.
Known issues:
The “color” type has not yet been transferred to the new version, so if you have a database using that type, I suggest using the BlitzMax version until the next release where it should be covered
MyData has not yet been tested in Linux, it should work, but if it doesn’t let me know.
The MyData.app bundle might close immediately when you just open it from the Finder, and I don’t know what causes it. If you go to the terminal and us “cd” to find the folder where you put the bundle and type “open MyData.app” everything just works normally. Perhaps somebody who’s well-versed in Unix commands should take a look here.
Mac users might also be blocked by “security” reasons. Just right click MyData.app in the Finder and choose “open” and then “Ok” in the next dialog and that issue is solved. Mac does this because since Steve Jobs passed away, Apple changed its focus from making user-friendly reliable systems to shamelessly making money abusing the developers that keep them alive.
There are a few lay-out issues, like the tendency of GTK to align stuff the way I don’t want it. I’m still learning, as GTK is a new field for me, and the documentation of GTK for C# is horrible to nearly non-existent so I’m a bit in the dark here, so cut me some slack. The application works, ya!
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