new gameplay video for CardyHeim, check it in my profile, will be release on Steam early next year
Next up
CardyHeim is now released in GameJolt, check that out -> https://gamejolt.com/games/CardyHeim/811024
Now there is a place to rest, you can manage and see all cards in your deck. the deck, the enemy, the cards in hand, HP and buff will be reset. its also act as a checkpoint
now the enemy can drop cards, we can take and use the cards. to draw, and use the cards requires enough battlepoints, to use the cards the battle level must also be sufficient, we can get battle points by attacking enemy or taking enemy damage
this is just a fraction of CardyHeim Demo that just release, please download and Play CardyHeim and give feedback for future development. here -> https://gamejolt.com/games/CardyHeim/811024
Hello everyone!
I'm thrilled to announce that Caesura is officially released! After many months of development, the updated demo is on Gamejolt and the full game is available on itch.io:
Thank you for your support.
Adding some more enemy and their unique card drop and attack, I plan to finish the first demo version later this month, what do you think?
GrunHeim is now available on GameJolt, check it out -> https://gamejolt.com/games/Grundheim/771300
After 11 months, I returned to development and here are the results:
-Now the character in the alpha build is a pumpkin!
-All basic mechanics are implemented at a normal level
-I have drawn a time graph (very bad)
this is the initial state of CardyHeim, theese moves are not all there at the beginning. we need to equip active card to execute them. next : adding some SFX and VFX