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I Added a new formation maneuver used to get the ships closer and focus fire, dodging some bullets + dealing more damage.
The other maneuver makes the side ships move towards the camera, avoiding damage but losing the ability to shoot.
Hope you like it :)
Some gameplay showing different weapons and equipment.
I Also added some slow motion on big explosions, though it is maybe not noticeable for now 😅
Hope you like it, and sorry for the lag at the start!
Any criticism will help
WIP character design for the captain of the BD-20f (SkyWings' main fighter ship)
I will post better looking pics of both the ship and the captains when they are ready.
Hope you like them :)
Any criticism would be very helpful!
The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!
Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!
Learn more 🔽
Most bullets now collide with enemy bullets.
Placing ships in the formation will affect gameplay more, since more ships in a row, means more bullets getting through to the enemy.
Hope you like it!
Any criticism will help :)
Now you can equip different weapons to ships!
Opening the door to even more combinations between ships, weapons, equipments... the possibilities are now even larger!
Hope you like it :)
any criticism will help!
The new PT-19c ship in action!
Its design is based on parrots.
I also added the hyper amplifier, which inflicts critical hits on combos
Bullets and their behavior may change in the future.
Any ideas or criticism is welcome!
Hope you like it :)
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:
Thank you to everyone who entered!
Which character art style you think is a better fit for the game?
Hello lovely people!
I hope you like the game so far, I try my best to reach top quality with it, it is my goal to make a hit :D
and your feedback is most important to reach that goal!