Two Horrible Nights with Mr. Glasgow
7 months ago

New updates to the page.

  • Added downloadable and HTML5 builds, these should be stable but please inform me of any audio issues like music not playing inside the project.

  • Updated the credits slightly.

  • Updated the music player featuring new tracks

  • Removed some outdated images from the page.

  • Changed the game page build from "Early Access" to "Full Release" because apparently, for two years now, I completely forgot to do that. Oops....

  • Maybe more to come-?

Nothing special but it is worth note

1 comment


Next up

Anger mangagement classes are available today 100% no scam

guys this game is getting an epically awesome crossovr with one night and flumpters 2 isn t this so awesjme

can confirm


Look at the goofus


this guy is so epic this is my old shock trooper model, but all fixed and cleaned up to be one mesh also new Shock Roach model too

Better code update + Glasgow's AI

''Could someone be at my window?''

so close to finishing the main gameplay but the code is like a puzzle now

im not good at solving puzzles