Thank you all for following and taking interest in our game. We've been working on it for a while, and I'd like to share with you our progress so far.
As of now, NO PLACE LIKE HOME's gameplay is almost completely coded and playable. The game is playable from beginning to end, with all enemy AIs and systems intact. This includes virtually all exterior content, such as the post-game content which will be more expansive than the average fangame.
Our main hurdle in developing this game is asset creation. Our team is very talented, and I am incredibly proud of the work we've done thus far - it will just take a while. Slow and steady wins the race, after all. Environmental and character modelling will be very detailed, and considering all enemies are human antagonists, not robots or monsters, they will be a bit more difficult to get right. I know we can do it, though.
Because of these things, I personally have great confidence in the future of this project. With all gameplay programming done, we can hunker down and focus on making this game look as good as we can make it while still having engaging and terrifying gameplay.
We'll be uploading more teasers in the coming weeks and months. For now, we only have two. NO PLACE LIKE HOME's story may have a smaller scope than a project like Five Nights at Freddy's, but we have a lot in store for those who enjoy concepts and stories like this. I encourage theorizing over what we've shown you thus far. We'll love to see your thoughts on what you've seen.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for reading.