The man you are seeing right there is Aisu. A very fitting suitor for Y/N, trust me. (I'm the dev I'd know.)
He had no mask in the original wattpad story, I just thought it would look cooler and also make more sense to hide his identity. (Y'know, since he murders people.)
Also he's an arsonist now instead of another teen assassin like in the original wattpad story, because I wanted him to use fire attacks in battle, and the name was fitting for a guy using fire attacks.
He also has a tragic backstory. maybe. probably.
What does the name Aisu mean, you ask?
Well worry not, I have asked the original author, and they said this:

I wish I could one day give my characters names with such profound meaning too...
Moving on to gameplay, like in the gif you can double jump on buildings and do anime stealth stuff like attacking enemies from behind. Also new battle mechanic I'll reveal some other time.
#loveinterest #doublejump #city #stealth #rpgmaker #rpgmakervxace #battlestuff #anime #kindaanime #animaybe #animegirl #girl #boy #woaijustmentionedhumans #socontroversial #givemeanaward #enemiestolovers #trustme #evenifineversuccessfully #wrotearomancestory #whatever #illmanage #totallydeepstory #verydeep #deeperthanynsmonologues #assassin #arsonist #didimentionassassin #contractkiller #lotsofothernames
Unrelated bible verse incoming:
"Jesus, seeing that he had become sad, said, “How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”"
Luke 18:24-25 (ESV)