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Just released a playable build of my game, feel free to check it out!
Not a whole big update, it's been a while since the last update + I actually worked on the game! I have basically just added a functioning Menu (not fully shown) and fixed a little bug where clicking on retry would change the game title to a 2nd score.
Showing the early build of the menu and such. Also showing what options I currently have.
I thought I'd mix it up a bit with the pre-set names. I was originally going to just have potato for low. The default names are at the start of each pre-set.
A little video showing my pre-alpha build. A slightly fixed up version is on its way this week. Just a silly game not to be taken too serious. Inspired by ragdoll physics and the death pits from Unreal Tournament 2004.
Been playing around with getting a bottle into the scene and getting a scale to I am playing around with lighting - I am wanting to make it night time :)
Also playing around with lighting effects on model - not had much time to work on this.
WIP. Testing some things - Got randomly generated buildings (not final)
So I was looking through my photos looking for something and I found another photo of the bacon box head...I believed there was a dick drawn on, and this photo proves it + a nose. so I'll most likely update the texture after the alpha build. Stay tuned!
Part 2 origins: The guy with a box on his head is myself, depending on the date I was either 17 or 18 I don't remember exactly how it came to, but at one point I had an idea to make it a mask, and a friend did the details on the box
Decided to release this little "mini game" that I originally have made for Wallpaper Engine (though I can't seem to get any audio control for the Wallpaper Engine version) But decided to release the actual exe - it has no end or much point