Kosharich: Sobik's Revenge

1 month ago

Patch 0.1.4.

-Added Discord Rich Presence

-Buttons in the settings make a sound when hovering and pressing, and they now have icons on the left

-If there is a curse or blessing on the floor, then at the beginning of the floor Barsik will say about it, and also show the number of changed statistics

-Positive and negative parameters of artifacts in the library are now colored green and red, respectively

-When picking up artifacts, more statistics are now shown that may have changed for the player (for example, the speed of enemies or the power of healing the player)

-Hamster IDK and the Deceased Salesman will now give the 6th as a gift for buying all artifacts

-Satellites now attack autonomously. They go to the enemy themselves, aim themselves and shoot themselves

-Now, consumables stuck in the walls will first try to push themselves out of there, and only after that will they disappear

-If a blocked artifact has spawned, it will automatically disappear and consumables will appear in its place

-Reduced the chance of a sewing machine breaking

-Changed many qualities of various artifacts

-Black lamps no longer spawn in the lobby

-Black lamp energy charges now self-target enemies

-Black lamp energy charges deal 4 damage instead of 1

-Reduced the number of electricity particles created when a black lamp breaks

-Accelerated spawning of black lamps

-Now, if the Dump Truck decides to crash into the Cow, he will greatly regret it...

-Many artifacts that are food now give maximum HP

-Toshi's artifact now takes not 0.45 seconds, but 1 second of invulnerability

-The Warm Cat Battery now increases the reflect size by 0.2 instead of 0.1

-Shawarma now increases the reflect size by 0.4 instead of 0.3

-The Fire Rage artifact can now spawn fire when destroying bullets even without Van's Strike. The chance of fire spawning is 1 in 15. If the player has Van's Strike, the chance becomes 100%

-The lights that appear when receiving damage and with the Fire Rage artifact remain on the ground longer

-The Slend artifact has been enhanced: the activation distance has been increased by 1.5 times; the speed of tentacle appearance has been increased; the tentacles have become more mobile, which allows them to hit enemies more often; the tentacles disappear more slowly.

-The Paint Can artifact has been enhanced: all enemies hit by bullets become black and white. Black and white enemies cannot move (exception: bosses). If the bullet hits a black and white enemy, this effect will wear off, and the bullet will pierce the enemy regardless of whether the player has a pierce

-The Red Ball Crown now gives 1.5 seconds of invulnerability instead of 0.75

-With each floor, Dump Trucks will spawn faster during the Dump Truck spawn event

-The Solar Cloud now increases the chance of events appearing in the room

-The Warm Cat Battery now gives 50 armor

-Now the paths in the lobby do not end instantly, but with a small transition

-Lamp posts, potted trees, the Spfincter statue and the Future Scoreboard in the lobby now become transparent if you approach them from behind

-The Sewing Machine is now a wall (stops the player and enemies from moving)

-The Sewing Machine can now be blown up

-Ghosts can now pass through walls

-All rarely appearing enemies (Oldich, Timeich, Barbarian on a Donkey, etc.) now increase their HP depending on the current floor number

-Remote detonator now gives 10 bombs

-Bullets from the artifact Sunglasses and from the Little Spirit now spawn not 4 lasers, but 3 lasers

-After the sewing machine breaks, the game will save. This means that re-entering the run will not allow the player to restore the sewing machine on the floor

-After resurrection, all debuffs are removed from Kosharich


-Fixed a bug that sometimes artifacts above the head could twitch

-Fixed a bug that sometimes the language switched to English by itself

-Fixed a bug that the sound of building construction in the lobby sometimes doubled

-Fixed a bug that black lamps could not spawn further than the 3rd room

-Fixed a bug that artifacts could get stuck in vendors

-Fixed a bug that if the player moved away from the NPC, then after the phrase "Where did we leave off..." the NPC scrolled through his phrases not to the previous phrase, but to the next

-Fixed a bug that all the player's raptoun debs were in the same direction if he had a kitchen spatula, caterpillar gun or seed-thrower

-Fixed a bug that when switching languages, the following were not translated: achievements, dialog boxes, menus of shops with NPCs, Deko

-Fixed a bug that the player could debug when access to the character was limited (for example, during a difficulty change or while riding an elevator)

-Fixed a bug that some enemy tracks could not disappear

-Fixed a bug that the Hamster IDK and Deceased Salesman's shops could become free if you re-enter the game

-Fixed a bug that with a large Kosharich size, you could simultaneously change the difficulty and activate the elevator

-Fixed a bug that the price of respawning for rubies at Sobik was reset if the player re-entered the game

-Fixed a bug that the Cow was afraid of creatures that cannot kill her (Kapsik, friendly Nugget, Dog Bear Cat, etc.)

-Fixed a bug that Nugget the brother followed the cow if it was closer to him than the player

-Fixed a bug that nothing could push the player while opening the inventory

-Fixed a bug that the extra speed of bullets from the back did not work correctly

-Fixed a bug that when restarting a run, the black and white screen effect after the WORLD artifact did not disappear

-Fixed a bug that with very low maximum HP (approximately from 1 to 5) the armor could not heal Kosharich to the end, which is why he could not use the sewing machine

-Fixed a bug that the trace of the explosion appeared even before the explosion reached its maximum size

-Fixed a bug that the Platinum Star decreased the rate of fire multiplier, instead of increasing it



Next up

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Небольшое исправление

Три конкурса в честь выхода Кошарыч: Месть Собика!

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