Kosharich: Sobik's Revenge

1 day ago

Patch 0.1.5.

  • Achievements from the game have been added to Gamejolt

  • Added 2 achievements

  • Added more room generations

  • Added knockback of enemies from bullets and Kosharich's dash

  • Relics can now be obtained not only from the Titmouse, but also by simply passing floors! You can get them after clearing the room or find them at the entrance to it

  • Added a "How to Play" section to the pause menu

  • Added more tips to the Tutorial

  • Added small drawings to the signs in the Tutorial

  • Added an animation of Kosharich falling in the Tutorial

  • Added an animation of Kosharich jumping out of the box at the beginning of the floor

  • If the player has not killed the builder, then in the lobby instead of a giant empty space there will be a small room with tips for the game

  • Added the artefact "Beer"

  • Added the artefact "Rozes' rose"

  • Resprited artefact "Clew"

  • Resprited artefact "Spilled Milk"

  • Changed Spilled Milk: instead of a puddle under Kosharich, with a chance he can shoot a milk bullet, which leaves a milky trail

  • Changed the sprite of Mordecai Juice's footprints

  • When Mordecai Juice takes damage instead of a puddle, three glasses of juice fly out of Kosharich, which break and spill liquid when they touch the ground

  • The chance of critical damage is now displayed in Kosharich's statistics

  • The Hamster in the Ball can now stand still and start shooting at enemies when approaching them

  • The Garbage Ball can now stand still and start shooting three bullets in a random direction when approaching enemies

  • The Shit Ball and Multi Ball now create traces not always, but only when colliding with obstacles

  • The Multisandwich now makes each shot a random color

  • Lasers can now be multi-colored. For example, the triple lasers from the Sunglasses artifact will now have the same color as the bullet

  • Reduced the freeze time of the player from Lavash

  • Changed the sound of the dash of Chips De Boss and Agent Hamster

    Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that if you do not skip the gradual appearance of text in the floor results, then some text would not load

  • Fixed a bug that if the player was at the very top of the room, the camera could be one pixel higher than it should

  • Fixed a bug that the name of the Tutorial floor was called "Floor 1. Bottom of the box."

  • Fixed a bug where Discord Rich Presence Tutorial was displayed as floor 0

  • Fixed a bug where the signs in Tutorial did not change their text when changing the language

  • Fixed a bug where if there was a miniboss in the room, the death of any enemy would cause the screen to shake

  • Fixed a bug where when re-entering a run, artifacts, pickups, and boxes that were originally there did not disappear. This bug allowed you to dupe artifacts, pickups, and loot from boxes

  • Fixed a bug where artifacts were not saved at the Late Salesman during floor clearing



Next up

Патч 0.1.2.

Small fix

Небольшое исправление

Patch 0.1.2.

Патч 0.1.3.

Патч 0.1.5.


Патч 0.1.4.

Patch 0.1.4.

Patch 0.1.3.

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