Added blocking Volumes (invisible walls) in Valley map
Added cross-hair color adjust
Added sliding door sound
Added mountain rocks
Added ceiling to valley building and lowered the lights
Added a Map Vote system
Added server name character limit
Disabled weapon collision offset replication
Changed Cabin maps
Default Lights now have a glow
Glass doesn't smash from prop just touching it
Flashlight turns itself on after switching weapons if previously left on
Minor improvements to Join menu
Text wrapping for join menu
Added Colors
game mode section removed
Reduced Brightness for holosight
Actual grenade Launcher
Friends list priority
Issues Fixed
Fixed spectators leaving counting towards a kill
Fixed Join System, it now takes a bit more time but makes sure you load in the right level (had to do this for the vote system)
Fixed an issue where characters couldn't step up on prop players
Fixed an issue where hunters would go through prop players
Fixed Sniper hit trace
Fixed explosions not registering radial damage
Fixed valley night sound
Fixed closet door replication