Fixed a bug where the jumpscares in the basement levels wouldn't transition to the game over screen.
Removed the "channel blur" effect from the basement level cameras (red and blue effect), in order to reduce potential lag.
Added a camera distortion effect to the basement cameras to replace the "channel blur" effect.
Added an objective marker to the map in the arcade nightmare level, to ease confusion in where players are supposed to go.
As always, make sure to leave feedback on the game; and report bugs.
Next up
Lefunni Chompling Memes (I made these in 30 minutes, from random effects in Paint Net)
Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.
Rick Ballin'
I've released a demo showcasing a bunch of proposed changes for the updated version of the game; namely a complete overhaul of the heating mechanic. There's also a Google Form for after you play the demo build, to give feedback.
Rat Race Production Update
Here's another one of the tip pages, to show that I'm not ded lmao:
The teeth used by a poopy-eating bucket helmet... Terrifying. So this is what an HDR Kick Bucket Cross' teeth would look like...
Some preview screenshots of how the hints system will LIKELY look in game. There's also a setting to disable the hints entirely, but they'll be enabled on a fresh save. (Or if the save-data Difficulty parameter is 0, which is the same as a fresh save.)