Project "Frame"
3 years ago

Programing the candle system, now you can turn on to illuminate to save battery.

Programando o sitema das velas, agora você pode acende-las para economizar bateria.

#unreal #engine #horror #gamedev #indie #house #dark #prototype

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Next up

Working on the blockout of the house, and modeling some modular pieces.

Trabalhando no blockout da casa, e modelando algumas peças modulares.

#3D #unreal #horror #house #indie #game #prototype


Firsts steps of the enemy creation, you can't see him, but you can see his footsteps. Primeiras etapas da criação do inimigo, você não consegue vê-lo, mas pode enxergar as suas pegadas.

#enemy #invisible #gamedev #indie #unreal #horror #house

Working on battery spawn :D Now the keys and batteries are randomly spawning in the level every begin play

Trabalhando no spawn das baterias, agora as chaves e as batterias respawnan aleatóriamente na cena todo começo de jogo

#horro #unreal #indie #game

The artstyle concept inspiration pictures for the interior world of We Heist Too

Can you draw some parallels to the full game? :) https://gamejolt.com/games/weheisttoo/787894

Working on the footsteps sounds :)

#unreal #horror #indie #house #dark #footsteps #soundfx

🕵️‍♂️ Shi’s Transmission: Shadows Never Rest In Twilight Wars, every mission is a test of your strategy, every agent a weapon in your arsenal. 🎮 Take control. Wishlist Twilight Wars on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1396540/Twilight_Wars/

Starting to implementing sounds FXs to my prototype :) #unreal #engine #horror #game #indie #house #dark #sounds #terror

Working on randomization of the key positions, every run the keys change place.

Trabalhando na randomização das chaves, toda run elas aparecem em lugares diferentes.

#unreal #house #gamedev #indie #horror #keys #random

Working on the doors, now they open and close :)

Trabalhando nas portas, agora elas abrem e fecham :)

#unreal #doors #game #house #horror #dark #gamedev #indie