Hey everyone! Just want to say Happy Halloween! As you can see tonight was suppose to be the night that the game would be released, but unfortunately progress got held a week due to me being in Tennessee for a whole week. Along with that "One Night at Flumpty's 3" came out the other night so didnt want to upload around the same time, want to allow people to play that game because its defiantly worth checking out. So yeah a lot has just happened that I had to push it off for a little. But that's kind of good, it allows me to polish it up, fix bugs, add a few things and all that, so works out pretty good. I want to make sure this game is the best I can get it, so pushing it off and doing all that is probably the best option rather then rushing it.
The new release will be sometime around mid-end of November before the launch of Security Breach. Gives you guys something to do before that gets released ;)
Let you guys know when I have an exact release date, so keep an eye out for that!