Relics will be the centerpiece to this game, as the title might advise! They are equipable extras to enhance or diminish your abilities and stats. Here is some more information regarding the relic system!

You will be able to equip upto 5 relics. Each relic can have upto two statistics that can be either positive or negative impacting.
We aim to have a huge amount of relics for you to come across in game which will allow you to synergize your stats on a whole different level.
As of writing this post, Relics can alter 52 game stats in both positive and negative ways. Some relics can be simple and say increase your overall health stat or lower your physical defence. Some relics may change hidden stats such as experience gain from battles or change the chances of getting certain types of drops from enemies. There are certain relics that are battle focused such as giving resistance to elements or leaching health from attacking enemies.
Every relic will have 7 stages depending on it's rarity. The more basic the relic, the higher the negative effects will be. Having the rarist of that relic type can usually mean there is very little to no negative consequence.
Giving the freedom to mix and match any and all relics can result in some overpowered or even underpowered stats. You could in sense create a build where you have 1 health point but your power is doubled or even trippled, making you a glass cannon.
Relics will be somewhat rare to find and will hopefully create a happy feeling within you!
Some more difficult quests will require relics to be given for a large reward but at the loss of said relic.
New relics are being added nearly every session the game is worked on and we currently have 25 relics.
Progress on the game is going slower than we would like but for positive reasons. The game is evolving in a slightly different direction that is very exciting and with some luck soon enough we will be showing you exactly what that means!