The patch for the Reset Build is now (probably) ready for release! …Though calling it a patch might not do it that much justice…
-Enemies now encountered by roaming “glitches” in the overworld. They will be attracted to you if you get within range of them, but they can be avoided in some cases.
-Save button now properly linked up to save zone unlocks, tokens, and additional item values
-Victory screen has been changed
-Overworld now displays the area’s name when crossing a zone trigger (might tweak more later)
-Party select screen now displays character level and experience needed to level up
-Difficulty now integrated to enemy attack strength (watch out on Hard mode!)
-Multiple fixes for skills that were previously non-functional
-Re-added the Fullscreen and Windowed mode shortcuts. Just use “[” and “]” respectively.
New content:
-Alongside the new foe, Mechrab and Chillax can now be encountered!
-Characters can now level up, which will increase health and skill potency!
-Lolbit’s first shop is now open for business, and all 3 bug bytes can be purchased and equipped!
-Three chests can be found in the overworld (in temporary spots): Endless Defense, Endless Strength, and Endless Speed
-You can now delete all save data on the main menu by holding down the Delete key for three seconds. A sound will let you know if it works.
Well, guess all I have to do now is wait for feedback and take a slight breather from this frantic fix phase. Hope you all enjoy the fixes!