Hi, guys! It’s KatanaHiroshi, giving you another update for School Haunt! Truth be told, I just woke up right now because I got knocked out cold after I read some… devious stuff.
Anyway, I’ve been changing some things recently, involving the game mechanics so far. The hallucinations will still be a part of the game but will have improvements as well as the T.R.A.C.E. (Totally Randomly Advanced Chase Event) System that’s been scaring the f*ck out of me. I’ve also added a game mechanic as well however, as a result, I deleted one since it would cause a bit of a… stirrup to the game’s story.
The new title scene I’ve been making.
While at that, I’ve been changing the game’s title scene. If you think that I just copied Pitch Black’s style, you are definitely wrong, sir. This is actually a Map Title Scene script in tandem with the ORIGINAL (Yep, the original) Title Scene. I know, my brain is somewhat brilliant to what I expected it to be. And by that fact, it turns out that I have to do something with the game’s artwork.
Quite a stirrup, I suppose?
Recently, I’ve been getting feedbacks from my classmates that I should change the characters’ bust sets since they awfully look like the same person… they mean that they have the same chins, same eyes and the fact that I just changed their hairstyle and clothes so would look like a different gender. And you know what that means? I have to find someone capable of creating bust sets or I would find the solution myself by any means OR I’ll still continue using the same generator but I’ll make it different from the original ones I used.
This may go far from our topic… but I’ve been getting hallucinations lately. It was a f*cked up nightmare in reality. Women in white dresses gazing at me, crawling creatures looking at me and a black figure stalking me. And the actual, the antagonists from the game are actually my own nightmares from said hallucinations.
Designated Codename: UO
Designated Codename: DS
The black figure… I mean a guy with a black uniform with a sort of a ‘void’ in his body was actually stalking me for years. I finally remembered how long because I remember that it was the same black figure when I always go to my kitchen and it staring at from the staircase. The sailor uniform girl with a mask is actually a new one. I’ve encountered her recently from my vacation and she crept me out as f*ck. She was actually outside of my room, waiting to kill me if she had the chance.
Anyway, that’s all. See you next time in the next update!